Scary Movies & Tylenol Pills

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Roc's POV

*April 17th 2014 - 9:34 p.m.*

I laced up my black Doc Martins, then put on my favorite gold watch. I made sure to brush my hair and spray my favorite cologne, lightly. I let my white shirt hang loosely on my body, as I tightened the loop on my belt.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, indicating someone was texting me. I pulled it out and saw it was from Lisa. She said she was ready, and I replied I was on my way. Grabbing my keys and shoving my phone in my pocket, I locked my door and got in my car.

I arrived at NYU waiting for Lisa, where she told me to pick her up. I waited five minutes before she tapped on my window. I unlocked the door and she slid down in the passenger seat. Soon as she shut the door, I drove off towards the movie theater.

*10:02 p.m.*

We finally arrived at the movies. I parked and we walked inside.

"What movie did you wanna see?" I asked pulling out my wallet.

"What about this one?"

She pointed to a horror movie. Something dumb, in my opinion, about kids living in the woods. Someone does something stupid and a person becomes possessed. The usual horror story.

"You sure you wanna see this? It looks too scary for you."

"I'll be fine." She smiled.

"Okay...but if you get scared, you can latch onto me."

"If I get scared..." She giggled.

I bought us two tickets, then we walked towards the concession stand. I bought us some popcorn and two sodas. Then we made our way into the movie.

As the movie got "scarier and scarier", I heard her whimper and wince. She grabbed at my arm four times, almost making me spill my popcorn. I laughed each time, silently to myself. This movie wasn't scary at all.

Once the movie was over, I escorted Lisa back to the lobby. Then she told me she had to use the bathroom. I went to go sit on a bench and wait for her. Time passed and I had bad thoughts, thinking she snuck out a window and left me sitting here. Or she never even went to a bathroom, and just hopped a cab.

That bitch!

I stood up, trying to find out what the hell happened to her, when I saw her talking. I turned the corner and noticed her talking to I looked twice and almost dropped to the floor. He had light skin, was thin, kind of short and a bushy afro. I knew that afro anywhere. New York. I didn't think he would ever wanna leave LA. Him and the rest of my so-called friends all tried to break into the music business at the time they sent me away. I wonder if it ever came true?

But how the hell does he know Lisa?

I approached them slowly and saw them both laughing.

"What's so funny?" I put my arm around Lisa's waist.

"Oh hey, there you are. This is a friend of mine, Jacob but everyone calls him Princeton. Princeton this is my other friend Chresanto."

Let's see if he remembers me.

"Hi Chresanto, nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.


"Nice to meet you as well." I politely shook his hand.

"So how do you know Lisa?" He asked me, awkwardly shoving his hands in his pockets. I noticed he was still into that "hippe-rocker-type" style. Smh....

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