A Decision Has Been Made

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(A/N: New Years update!!)

Lisa's POV

*June 9th 2014 8:38 p.m.*

I rolled my eyes and swatted his hand away, as we sat together in the movie theater. I was sick of playing like we're a couple, when we're not. I broke up with this fool forever and a day ago, but his crazy ass won't leave me alone. God, I just want someone to rescue me.

"Help me! Help. Me. NIGGA!"

Kevin Hart's Let Me Explain was explaining exactly how I was feeling right now. I wanted someone to come and help me. (A/N: I know Let Me Explain came out in 2013, but it was befitting at this time.) Then Jaden's irritating laugh erupted from his mouth, causing a few people to look our way. I slid down in the seat and tried to cover my face. I huffed and wished for the date from hell to be over.

We finally came out the movie and walked towards his car. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, but I really didn't want it there. We got to the car and he opened the door for me, as I began to get in, but he grabbed me and spun me around.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Me being here with you...

"Nothing, I'm just tired."

He pressed me against the car and kissed me. I didn't kiss back though. He noticed cause he tried to run his hands up my shirt, but I really wasn't in the mood.

"Jaden, come on stop. We in the parking lot."

"So? Who cares who sees?"

He tried to kiss me again, but I pushed him back.

"I do, now can we please go?"

He groaned and headed for the driver's seat. I slid down and closed the door. He zoomed out the parking lot and onto the main road. He had the radio playing, to ease the silence between us.

I know this may seem crazy, but ever since that day Chresanto bumped into me, I've been seeing him behind Jaden's back. We haven't really done anything, mostly cause we're starting out as friends, but I somewhat miss him...in an extremely crazy way. Chresanto was fun and he treated me like a queen, until he started trippin for no fucking reason. All Jaden does is act, like we have the perfect relationship but treats me like shit behind closed doors. I'm sick of these games and I'm sick of him, with his wack ass stroke game.

My thoughts were interrupted when he rubbed his hand on my thigh. I looked up and noticed we were stuck in traffic. I mentally groaned and looked up in his direction, to see him smiling from ear to ear.

"Jaden, what are you doing?"

"Remember, when we used to get stuck in traffic, how you'd...?"

I scoffed and folded my arms.

"I'm not giving you head, if that's what you want."

"Come on Lisa, just this one time and I won't ask ever again."

"No Jaden. I don't feel like it."

"Well, you know you owe me."

I shot my head his way, eyeing him like he had lost his mind.

"Owe you for what?"

"The movie. You know dates aren't cheap. I need some sort of payment."

"Excuse you?! Do I look like some thing you can just use to your disposal?"

"That's not what I said."

"You didn't have to. I can already tell what this so-called relationship is about, and it damn sure ain't about us. It's all about you, it's always been, wit' yo selfish ass!" I can't believe him right now.

"Lisa, you know-"

"Shut up Jaden. I don't even wanna hear your voice right now." I shook my head and watched as we finally got back into the regular flow of traffic.

When we got back to my dorm, Jaden kept trying to come up with me. I was too mad to answer, so I just stormed off into the buildings and headed for my dorm room. I unlocked the door and headed for the bathroom.

"So, how'd it go?"


"Aww what happened?"

Harmony was sitting on her bed, going over class notes on her laptop. I decided to change into some shorts and a t-shirt, getting comfortable. I came out the bathroom and laid next to Harmony.

"Want to do something? I'm wide awake and bored." I commented, ignoring her question.

"Can't. I have to study and get some work done."



"Ugh, fine..."

I got off her bed and laid down on mine, bored as ever. I know it's getting late, but I really want to talk somebody.

"Whatever happened to that Chresanto guy you were dating?"

"Oh...him. Nothing, we're just friends."

"Well why don't you bother him with your problems, instead of sitting around here pouting."

Harm looked up over at me from her glasses. Her light skin reflected from the light in the semi dark room. I guess my depressed mood was bringing her studying down....Whatever. I sighed and got up to dress in denim shorts and a dark blue t-shirt with NYU on it. I just slipped on some blue Toms and grabbed my keys and phone.

"I'll be back."

"Okay!" Harm sang as I closed the door.

Chresanto's POV

*8:00 p.m.*

"When can the shipment be here?"

"It takes a few days, especially since it's going out of the state."

"Do you have an estimate?"

"Just wait at least a week. If it doesn't come by then, just call me back."


I hung up and stuffed my phone in my back pocket, as I unloaded this box from my car. I carried it over to my means of exportation and loaded it. After making sure everything was gonna run smoothly, I helped untied the boat from the docks. I was ready to leave, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I abruptly looked up and saw an older man, beard and grimy features, looking down at me. I stood up and looked in his direction.

"You supposed ta be herre boy!?"

He had a thick accent, not from New York. Southern maybe. I noticed he still had his hand on my shoulder, and I felt my hand get shaky. I don't know why it was shaking, cause I thought I took my medicine today, but I really wish he would remove his dirty ass, fishy smelling hands from my shoulder.

"I have my documentation."

"Well I'ma need to see it, boy."

He has one more time to call me boy.....

I reached behind me to grab my legal documents from my back pocket. I slowly brought it out and he snatched it out my hand.

Strike two, bitch....

He read over it with a flashlight, cause the lights overhead of us weren't bright enough for him to read. I waited until he threw the paper back in my face. It slowly, fell to the ground and he looked at me.

"Next time, make sure you show yur papers when you first get herre, boy." He spat, poking me in my chest, before walking away.

Strike three. You're out, motherfucker.

I picked up my papers and looked the old man's way. He was talking to some other gentleman, while waving his arms. I neatly folded my papers back up, tucked them in my back pocket and grabbed my crowbar. I headed for my car, taking my jacket off and placing it in the backseat. I waited for the old man to turn down this corner, as the very few workers passed by going bout they business. I made sure to take light steps as I followed behind him into the darkness. There were absolutely no lights, in the alleyways of cargo compartments, which was what I liked. I made sure I hid in the shadows, crowbar in hand, until I heard his footsteps stop. I crept along the boxes until I knew I was in front of him now. Even though I couldn't see him clearly, being locked up in solitary confinement for so long gives good eyesight in the darkness.

Once I knew he had turned around, I made contact between the crowbar and his face. He flew back a bit and held his nose. It was broken and blood came down like a waterfall. He was about to say something, when I knocked him cold out. He landed with a thud and I checked his pulse: still breathing. We can't have that. I dragged him by his arms even further into the darkness, where I sat him up against one of the boxes. I waited for him to regain conscienceness.

"Wh-where is I? Why it so damn dark?"

"Where am I."

"Who are you?!"

"You said, where is I. It's where am I."

He pulled out his flash light and shone it in my face. His eyes got big.

"YOU! What you doing here, boy? Where is I and why you got me in the dark!?"

"You did it again, it's not-"

"I don't give a damn what it is!! Tell me where I is right now nigger!"

Without warning, I had punched him dead in his jaw. The feeling of revenge and bittersweet joy filled my body, making me tingle.

"God, I'm gonna enjoy this."

I made sure to wash out the blood from my white tank. I watched it race down my shower into the drain. Once I got it as clean as I could, I turned the shower off and ran down to my laundry room, throwing everything in. I quickly ran back to my room, cleaning up the small droplets of blood on the carpet, where it had dripped of my knuckles, clothes and boots. As I was cleaning, some sort of weird sensation came over me...Why am I feeling like this?

I stopped and put everything away, making sure to leave no trace of that man's scent and DNA in my house. Afterwards, I took my medicine, realizing I forgot earlier today. No wonder it was so easy killing that man today. I wasn't sedated.

Right as I walked downstairs in some sweatpants and a grey t-shirt, the doorbell rang. I got jumpy, a little nervous as I thought it was the police. Flashbacks of that night played over in my mind.

Justine's screams filled my house.

There was so much blood, it was everywhere.

It took me a while to clean up.

It was raining cats & dogs outside.

"Chr-Chresantooo...please...just...let me gooo..."

She pleaded as my hands were gripped around her narrow neck.

Tears ran down my face, with thoughts of what she could've done came to my mind.

"How could you do this to me?! I loved you..."

She tried to touch me, but I just smacked her hand away, angry she never loved me.

She lied to me...

I thought she loved me...

But it was just an act....

I hate acts.

"Noo Chresanto..NOOO!!"

I shook my head, feeling shivers and a rush of cold air blow by. But the windows are closed...

"Chresanto? Are you home?"

Lisa was at the door...my heart fluttered with excitement. I have been meaning to ask where we stand as far as our relationship. She knows I love her and want her back. Why is she holding back?

I reached for the doorknob, and saw her in denim shorts with her hair down. She lightly smiled and I moved out the way.


(A/N: Meh......the murder scene could've been a whole lot better _-_ . Happy New Year y'all!!)

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