Never Letting Go

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Lisa's POV

*April 19th 2014 - 12:36 p.m.*

I woke up with the biggest headache. I was confused as hell, trying to figure out why I was in Chresanto's bed......for the third time. I often wondered if we ever did anything, but my body doesn't feel any kind of way. I also noticed I was in another one of his extra large t-shirts. I threw the covers back and followed the long and narrow hallway to his stairs. I slowly walked down them to see the house was empty.

I raced to his fridge in search of something to eat. I was starving and hadn't noticed until I saw the bowl of fruit on the counter. Thankfully, I found some leftovers from yesterday. I heated them in the microwave and made a plate. I ate and quickly cleaned off my dishes in the sink. I headed back upstairs and started my search for my phone. I haven't had my phone in three days, and I need it. I opened drawers, shoe boxes and even stepped inside his walk-in closet. I looked allover his room, but I couldn't find it. I even checked his bathroom, but it was nowhere to be found. That's when I decided to use his house phone to call my cellphone.

It started ringing. I listened for a sound, but I couldn't hear anything. I called three more times before I just decided to hop in the shower and dress myself in one of the many outfits Chresanto bought for me. Once I was dressed, I put my hair up in a sock bun and headed back downstairs, where I heard the door open. I stood still on the bottom step, as Chresanto walked inside, holding two plastic bags. After he locked his door, he looked at me surprised.

"You're finally awake."

"Chresanto, we need to talk."

"Talk? Talk about what?" He slowly placed the two plastic bags on the kitchen table and took off his jacket. It was kind of hard to focus since he was wearing a white beater, showing off his bulging muscles. But I managed to say what I needed to say.

"Why do I keep waking up in your bed? Why aren't I home? Do you not realize, that I have a life? I have to work!" I said, raising my voice a bit. I don't think he liked that too much, cause his eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't yell, in my house Lisa." His voice was stern and his face was serious. I cleared my throat and scratched my scalp.

"Chresanto where is my phone? I've been looking allover--"

"You went through my stuff?"

"I think I have the right, since you're hiding my phone."

He raced past me up the stairs. Confused and aggravated, I followed. He opened his bedroom door, stood and looked at the mess I left unattended. Drawers were left open, doors were pulled out, clothes thrown everywhere. It was a mess, but I had a right to find my damn phone. I admit, I probably should have cleaned up after my shower, but he came home before I could. I looked at him, and watched as his chest heaved up and down with every breath.

"Lisa, who told you to go through my shit?"

"Nobody, but I was looking for--"

"I don't give a damn, what you were looking for! You don't go through my shit, ever!" He turned around and pointed his finger in my face.

"First off, don't put your fingers in my fucking face. Secondly, you don't ever talk to me like you crazy."

That's when he snapped. He gripped my arms tightly and pushed me against the wall. I tried to get loose, but it was like his grip got tighter. I frantically looked from his eyes, which were cold and dark, to his hands.

"Don't tell me how to act in my own fucking house. Ever. Don't go through my shit, don't yell at me and DO NOT talk back to me. Is that understood?" His voice was filled with anger, yet it was so calm. Almost like he was speaking to a disrespectful child that didn't know any better. I was too shocked to really say anything. It was weird seeing him go from normal to crazy in .6 seconds.

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