You On Some Shady Shit

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This idea came to me in a dream. Creepy, I know...


I turned around to see an angry Chresanto, fists balled and flaring nostrils.

"Chres, what's-"

"You lying, cheating whore!"

I was appalled. He's never called me out my name.

He stomped towards me, causing me to back up and begin crying.

He charged and I ran. He caught me, but I flailed my arms and legs, kicking to get him to put me down.

"Chresanto, what are you doing? Let me go, please!"

"Shut up, you fucking slut!"

He carried me over his shoulder, taking us to the basement. He dropped me to the floor and started to rip my clothes off.

I cried, trying to stop him but he was too strong.

"You're only supposed to love me! You're only allowed to fuck me!"

I cried harder, still fighting, but he clasped his hand over my mouth. I was completely bare now, laying on the cold concrete floor.

He straddled my waist, still holding me down. He removed one hand, to reach for silver duct tape.

"Now, be a good girl...."

He covered my mouth first. My tears clouded my vision, of his delusional face.

I felt him tie the rest of my body, leaving my stomach and below exposed. I cried so hard, my head began to hurt and I blacked out.

I woke up in some old, beat up lounge chair. I started panicking, being temporarily blind.

I jumped when I heard clinking and clanking noises. That's when he came out of the shadows, holding a crowbar.

"No, no I can't do this...."

"No, I love her. I don't want to hurt her..."

"Don't make me do this, please...!"

"She does love me!"

He kept talking to himself, making me shiver. His heavy footsteps going back and forth across the hard concrete.

He finally stopped walking, but just stood with his back to me.

I thought I could try and escape, but the chair was too squeaky. He heard me and turned to grimace at me.

I squealed, as he slowly walked towards me. He dropped the crowbar so he could grab a handful of my hair.

He pressed his face against my chest, making it even harder for me to breath since I was softly crying.

"You're so pretty..." He whispered.

"Your hair, smells..." He took the chuck in his hand and sniffed it.

I shivered, still crying, wondering how I still had any tears left.

"Do you love me?"

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