Missing You Prt. 2

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Lisa's POV

*Same Day*

I came out the shower and wrapped my towel around me. I let my hair, that I put in a bun so it wouldn't get wet, out and fall down my back. I dried off best I could and was about to put on some moisturizer, when I heard some scuffling sound. I thought it was Harm coming back cause she forgot something, so I brushed it off. I moisturized my legs and arms, before walking out the bathroom. When I did, I noticed my blinds were closed. They were open before I walked into the bathroom. I panicked and backed away, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ahh!" I screamed. I turned around, only to see Jaden. His tall and lean frame hovered over me, as I clutched my heart. He grinned and tried to touch me, but I backed away.

"Jaden, what the hell are you doing here?!" I said, raising my voice. He stepped closer to me, but I backed away.

"I came out here to see you, seeing as how you don't know how to answer a nigga's messages." He said, walking around my dorm, before laying back on my bed. I huffed and rolled my eyes, walking towards my dresser.

"How'd you even get in my dorm, anyway?"

"You gave me a key, remember?" Why did I do some stupid shit like that?

"Remind me to change the locks." I said, putting my underwear on under my towel, then searched for a bra and some casual outfit.

"Why you dressing like I never seen you naked before?" Jaden asked, making me cringe.

"Why are you walking in people's dorms, like you own the place?" I retorted.

I continued dressing, dropping my towel to the floor, so I could put on my bra and shirt. I heard scuffling but I ignored it, as I continued hooking my bra together. Before I could put my t-shirt on, I felt Jaden's hands around my waist.

"Nigga, what the hell?"

"Why you never let me hold you like this?"

I tried to pry his fingers from off me, but he was too strong.

"Because we not together no more, now let me go!"

His grip got tighter, so I tried to push him back. He started breathing on my neck, so I hit him in his chest.

"Stop, let go!"

"Just let me hit it."

"No Jaden, you're drunk!" The strong ass smell of alcohol filled my nostrils. It was so bad, his clothes reeked of, what smelled like a bar.

I kept pushing and hitting, but it didn't work. He kissed my neck, and I started flipping out. His hands roamed my body, and I wished I had that towel. I kept fighting, and it wasn't working because he pushed me down on my bed. My breathing got heavy, wishing and praying someone could bust through the door right now.

"Jaden, get off me!" He had my arms pinned above my head. He was trying to unbutton his pants, while pinning me down. Since my legs were free, I decided to give him a good kick in the stomach.

"Ugh! The fuck Lisa?!" He shot back. He backed away, clutching his stomach. That was my chance to grab the phone. I raced over to my pocketbook and searched for my cell phone, but before I could grab it, he picked me up.

I screamed as loud as I could, wishing he would drop me and leave. I kicked and flailed my arms, until he sat me straight up on my desk. He cupped my mouth and looked into my eyes. His eyes seemed empty and dull. No luster, like they were just there so he could look somewhat normal. My breathing sped up.

"See what happens? This is what happens when you disrespect me. Lisa, you belong to me, no one else. This relationship isn't over until I say so."

His left hand crept up my thigh, and I started hyperventilating. I didn't want him touching me, shit I didn't want him seeing me. He still had his hand on my mouth, but his free hand unbuckled his belt. I silently cried to myself, asking why me.

Why do I keep attracting crazy ass niggas?

Once his pants were down, he pulled my panties off. He tried to kiss me, while he proceeded to enter me, but I turned my head. Me fighting him off wasn't gonna work, so I just sat there. He really wasn't working nothing, one of the reasons why I broke up with his ass. He wasn't like Chresanto. At least he made me feel alive...

Wait, the hell am I saying?! He was crazy as hell, and I told myself I'd never speak about....nevermind.

When he finished, he fixed his clothes and looked at me. I wiped the few stray tears that fell. He kissed my cheek.

"I'ma call you later, okay?"

I just nodded, not feeling like looking at his sick ass right now. He smiled, then left my dorm.

Chresanto's POV

*12:00 p.m.*

I groaned in pleasure, as the needle stuck out in my arm. That warm sensation came over me, and I suddenly felt...relaxed. I wiped my face of the thin layer of sweat on my forehead and cleaned up my medicine. Once everything was back in place, I decided I'd go for a quiet jog. I changed into sweats and my running shoes, grabbed my phone and keys then left. I started slow, finding a nice pace and quickened with each block. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was I needed to find my apparent, "happy place".

There were a lot of things on my mind, like Lisa and what could've happened once I left. That bullshitter Jaden, who needs to stay away from things that don't belong to him. I think it would just be better if he was out the picture all together. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'll find someway. And if it takes blood shed, then so be it. It is what it is, especially when it comes to Lisa. She' my everything, and I'll be DAMNED if I let another nigga come between me and mine.

As I turned left, I came into contact with someone else. We bumped each other, hard but not hard enough to where we fell. They had a cup of coffee, and it spilled allover my shirt. I was pissed, as I just stared at my shirt. I wanted to go off, let this person have it, but i caught myself when I saw who it was.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry! I've already had a rough morning already, and now this!!"

I looked in her direction, as she panicked and looked as if she was about to cry. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail, as she was dressed in a long skirt and a white tank. She looked beautiful, reserved and innocent. I shook my head, as she started crying.


Her head shot my way, and she looked surprised to see me. It's not like I would leave New York, just because we're on pause right now.

"C-Chres...? W-what are you doing here?"

I looked at her, and she face palmed herself.

"Anyway, I'm sorry about spilling my coffee on you. Today just isn't my day." She sniffed and wiped away stray tears. I approached her and grabbed her arm, softly, making her look at me.

"It's okay, but Lisa are you okay?"

She looked off into space, as passersby walked past us like we weren't there.



"I asked if you were okay."

She sniffed one last time and looked up at me. She placed the fakest, saddest smile on her face. I started getting mad, but I couldn't let her see that. I knew why she was crying, and each thought I had in mind, infuriated me.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"No really, Chresanto I'm okay. I just...."

"You just what?"

She paused.

"Nothing. You should probably go and change your shirt."

"Let me take you out."


"Let me take you out, to eat or to a movie. Something, please?"

"Chres, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Because....I, I..."

"Lisa, I know something's wrong. I wanna help you. Just let me help you."

She sighed, then looked at me.

"Okay, I guess it wouldn't hurt to just...talk."

It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder. I smiled and she did too. I began to taker in the direction I wanted to go, but she stopped me. What now?!

"Um...I know you not finna go somewhere with me, with a coffee stain on your shirt."

"Well whose fault was that?"

"Yours. Now come on, let's get you something to wear."

Lisa sat on my bed, as I pulled out different articles of clothing. I laid different shirts and pants on the bed, neatly. We had narrowed it down to three different outfit choices, cause apparently sweats wouldn't work for her.

"Okay, which one?"

"Well I like the black and white one. We can match."

I smiled at the thought of people gawking at us, in our matching black & white outfits.

"Okay. Let me shower first."

I went into my bathroom, to take a short shower and prepare myself. When I was done, I came out in only my towel. I noticed Lisa, trying not to stare multiple times. I even teased her a little bit, by putting my shirt on last, while standing right next to her. She blushed and turned her head. It was cute.

"You ready?"

"Yea, let's go."

We walked to the same café where we met. I thought it would be sentimental and maybe mean something to her, cause it meant something to me.

"Oh, wow, Chres! Isn't this the same place..."

"Where we met?"


"Yes it is."

She just smiled at me, as I opened the door for her. We had stood in line, ordering an ice tea and a salad for her, while I just had water. I offered to pay for everything, but she wouldn't let me. We chose a table by the window, towards the back. I pulled her chair out for her and she sat down. I sat across from her.

"That's all you wanted?"

"Yup." I said, taking sips.

"Well, thanks for being kind enough to invite me out." She didn't look at me when she spoke. Her head was down, as she tucked a side bang behind her ear. I got frustrated.

"You're welcome."

She lightly smiled, then looked off out the window.

"Lisa, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

"You look miserable, pathetic almost. What happened to you, today?"

I watched her throat, as she swallowed that lump in her throat. Her bottom lip was quivering and her eyes became watery. I held her hand, softly rubbing her knuckles.

"I really don't wanna talk about it."

"We don't have to, just know I'm here for you."

She nodded and we sat in silence for a while.


"Yes, Chresanto?"

"Can we start over?"


"I know you probably don't want to be here, sitting in front of me, of all people, but I want a second chance. I want you back Lisa, and I'm sorry for hurting you. Just know that wasn't my intention. I really do care about you, and there's just certain things....that drive me crazy, but when I'm with you it's different. You, make me feel different and I think....Why are you crying?"

Tears raced down her cheeks.

"Chresanto, I accept your apology and what you said was really sweet. It's just....I'm sort of in a situation-I mean a relationship. But I wouldn't mind us being friends."

I wiped away her tears, and looked from her hair to her eyes.

"That's just it: I want to be more that your friend."

"Maybe...maybe we could take it slow. Just start fresh and see where we go from there."

She held my hand and I felt shivers go up my spine. All I could do was look down, at her hand touching mine. I must really be in love, considering I never like people just touching me.

"I'd like that."


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