This Is How It Started

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*Craig Crippen voice* That don't match!!

Leave feedback!! Before I come to your houses and poke your brains with pointy, sharp needles like a brain surgeon!!


Lisa's POV

*June 24th 2014 10:48 a.m.*

"Well, how was it?"

"It was nice. He took me to these really....weird but interesting places. But I had a lot of fun."

"Well that's good. How's Chres doing?"

"Uh...he's doing somewhat better."

"Why, what happened?"

I heard heavy stomps from the staircase. I looked up and saw Chresanto heading my way, towards the kitchen. He peeked at me, narrowing his eyebrows.

"Um, Harmony, let me call you later."

"Okay love. Bye."


I hung up and and put my phone down. He ignored me as he rummaged through cabinets and drawers.

"Good morning to you to, Chresanto."

He grunted, as a response and I scoffed. He turned and looked at me.

"What is your problem? You beg me to live with you, and when I do, you act like an ass!"

He just stared at me, not a single word left his mouth. I became frustrated.

"Chresanto, ever since that night at Jaden's house, you haven't shown any sign of affection. You said you'd change, but I haven't seen any. The only time we communicate is when one of us wants sex! This isn't how-"

"Do you love me?" He interjected.


"I asked, do you love me?"

It was like the last time he asked. I was all choked up and at a lost for words. Sentences just couldn't come to mind.

"You can't say it, can you?"

"Chresanto, I-"

"You can't say it because you don't love me, you love Prince."

I froze. How did he know I was hanging with Prince?

"How did you-"

He chuckled and I was surprised.

"Lisa, I know everything about you! You come home late every night, with your clothes hanging loosely from your body. Your hair, falls down your back, but you leave my house with a ponytail."

The more he talked, the more ashamed I was. I saw his face soften and his nostrils flare.

"Every night, while you sleep, you smile. One night, you even called his name."

By this time a few tears ran down his face, turning his eyes red. I felt horrible, like I was using him. But he was wrong about everything. I wasn't using him, I just can't fully tell him I love him.

"Chresanto, I am so sorry. I don't know-"

"Are you sleeping with him?"

"Excuse me?"

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