Almost Like Getting Hit By A Truck

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Chresanto's POV

*September 12th 2014 12:30 p.m.*

I haven't slept in days. I'm mostly up all day and night, thinking about Lisa. I know I was wrong, but it was my only answer. I don't like telling people about my past, I was only trying to protect Lisa not hurt her. And now I have to protect myself.

I did something, thinking I helped the situation.

I only made it worse.

I had walked back into Tori's office buidling. Her assistants and patients that were there that fateful day, all looked on and whispered about me. I shook off their stares and comments, walking right into Tori's office. She was with a client, as they both stopped and looked up at me.

"Chresanto, what are you-"

"Get. Out." I forcibly said, directly towards the timid client. He scrambled to the door, shutting it and I locked it.

I turned Tori's way, seeing her become quite nervous. She cleared her throat and stood up.

"Why don't you have a seat Chresanto?"

I stood by the door, looking at her. She took a breath and I walked towards her.

"She left me."

"Wh-who left y-you?"

"Lisa. The only woman I ever loved, since....don't worry about it."

She looked uneasy.

"Okay, so how does that make you feel?"

"Don't start acting like a therapist now. You should've been doing your job ever since day one."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's obvious, you wanted me the first day you saw me. You and every other slut that's out there working for you!"

"Excuse you?! If I remember correctly, you wanted it just as bad as I did! And they are not sluts. Don't come in my office and criticize what I do when you were doing it with me!"

I was so angry, I grabbed her arm and looked down on her.

"You made me lose her, and I'm not happy!"

She was scared, I could tell from her watery eyes. I noticed her reaching for something.

"What are you reaching for?"

She started shaking her head.


I moved her aside and saw she had pressed for security. I rolled my eyes let her go, crouching to her ear.

"Wrong move."

Ever since then, I've been paranoid. I feel like everybody everywhere knows what I did. I couldn't look people in the eyes like I used to, not afraid of anybody. My life is hell and the only peace I had, I lost. And for what? Sleeping with my therapist, just so I didn't have to tell her, or anyone for that matter, what I did. What I did to my first love.

She was my everything....

And I hurt her too...

Killed. You killed her, there's a difference...

Please not today, I'm not in the mood.

But you were in the mood when you suffocated Tori, right?

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