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Lisa's POV

*Same Day 1:57 p.m.*

As we climbed the stairs to my dorm, anxiety took over me. I was nervous, wondering if I was gonna find Jaden in my room. I didn't want to be alone with him, cause I vaguely remember Harmony had some place to be. I took a deep breath, as I turned the key to the unlock the door.

"You can go first." I stepped aside, as Chresanto walked past me into our dorm room. I followed and shut the door.

Seconds later, I heard a small scream and turned in confusion. Harmony had come out the bathroom in only her towel and slippers. She saw Chresanto and quickly ducked back in the bathroom.

"Lisa?! What the hell?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry Harm. I thought you'd be gone by now."

I swear, she can never be on time for anything.

"Um, can you wait outside for like, two seconds?"

"Sure, no problem." Chresanto stepped out and I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Girl, who was that?"

Harm was finally dressed, now putting on her earrings and light makeup.

"Just....a friend of mine. His name's Chresanto."

"He look like more than a friend. Especially since you was out with him all damn night."

"Whatever, Harm. We not even-"

"Not even together, blah blah blah. It's too damn obvious. Y'all fucked, didn't y'all? Who was on top?"

"Oh my god, Harm! Stop!"

"What?! You gotta tell me something! He a freak ain't he?"

A smirk plastered on my face, as thoughts of last night played in my mind.

"Ooh Lisa!!"

I hit Harm in her arm, as a sign for her to leave me alone.

"Shut up! Don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Why you rushing me? So you and 'your friend' can fuck again?"

"Harm, will you please shut up...he can probably hear you!"

She put her fingers into a W shape and mouthed the word whatever, before standing to pat down her purple cocktail dress. It clashed with her red hair, but it was too cute. She even had a matching clutch.

"Where are you going, anyway?"

"I have a date."

"With the guy from the other night, and the night before that....and the night before that?"

"Yes." She looked off into space, twirling her hair. I rolled my eyes and fluffed my hair.

"I need to meet this nigga that got my girl sprung."

"You will. Just not yet."


"Alright I'm gone. Bye love."

She blew me a kiss and headed for the door.

"Byee Chresanto...!" She cooed in his direction. Even though I know she was joking, I couldn't help but feel a little indifferent.

Chresanto's POV

"Have a seat. I'm about to go take a shower." Lisa stood and pointed to her bed, as I walked in. She smiled and walked past me to enter into her bathroom.

I sat down on her bed, placing my hand on the hefty blanket. It was soft and matched her bubbly, social personality. The different patterns of aqua and brown were sown to make this side of her dorm seem homely. I took in the account of how messy her side was, though. Her shoes were just thrown on the floor, her bed wasn't made and it just looked out of order. I made it my business to clean up for her, while she showered.

As I was placing a pair of shoes under her bed, I noticed a box towards the back wall. I listened, making sure she was still in the bathroom, and pulled the box out. I opened it and saw it was full of random memoirs. I smiled at photos of her with assumed family members, her mother and father. I was about to put the box back, when I found this secret big, dark green envelope. I don't know why, but it intrigued me and I wanted to know what it was. I began to slowly reach for it, but was hindered by a knock on the door.

If you know what's good for you AND Lisa, you wouldn't answer that door...

I stood off the floor, giving the box a slight kick under her bed. I pushed my moronic thoughts to the back of my mind, feeling curiosity strike me.

You do know, it was curiosity that killed the cat, Chresanto...

I'm highly aware of the saying.

But are YOU aware of the cat?

Shaking my head and wishing my "friend" would shut the hell up, I continued to the door. The knocking had gotten a little louder and a lot harder. I took a deep breath and opened the door...

"Lisa, I-Who the fuck are you?!"

It was my worse nightmare. Well, at least I know who the "cat" is.

"Can I help you?"

"You can help me, by telling me what you're doing in Lisa's dorm. Where is she? Lisa!"

He pushed past me and started calling her name. I groaned, deeply, and rolled my eyes, leaning against the door with my arms folded. His presence alone annoyed the shit out of me. I hated his guts and I guess he could sense it. I'll bet he barely remembers me, from the club that first night.

Seconds later, Lisa came out the bathroom in a towel, water beads layering her chocolate skin. Her hair was pinned up to look like some crazy hairstyle. It was different, but I actually liked the way she looked.

"What, do you want Jaden?"

"What the hell is this random nigga doing here, while I'm downstairs?!"

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. I smiled to myself.

"You are not my father! I can have whoever I want in MY dorm room!"

"I don't know who you getting loud with!! Don't you disrespect me, you hear me!?"

He grabbed her and started shaking her. I know I might look like a hypocrite, but I didn't like seeing Lisa hurt. I stormed over to them arguing and tore his hands off her and stood between them both. I looked down at Jaden, menacingly, and balled up my fist. Lisa was telling us to calm down, but I ignored her.

"Don't put your hands on a woman. Ever."

"And who is you?!"

The man your woman is fucking...

He looked me up and down, trynna size me up. My jaw clenched and I could feel the room get hot.

"Don't worry about who I am, just don't let me put your hands on her ever again. Understand?"

"Okay, come on guys, stop."

"I don't know who you think you are or who you're trying to be, but you don't tell me what to do."

"I think I just did, lil ass nigga!"

"Lil ass nigga?! Lisa, who is this fool?!"

"Alright, that's enough."

Lisa stood between us, pushing us back from swinging on each other. I never took my eyes of him, and he never took his off me.

"Uh, Jaden...this is my friend, Chresanto." She looked between us both.

Jaden didn't say anything, he just mean mugged me. I smirked and put my arm around Lisa's waist. I gave him one last look before bending down to her ear.

"I'll call you later."

And with that, I left.


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