We All Have Secrets

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Lisa's POV

*June 20th 2014 12:06 p.m.*

Things have been going pretty well, since that eventful night. I've seen a slight change in Chresanto, but he still has some things to work on, no doubt. He has sought counseling and I'm glad. He's needed it for a long time, I just hate that it took meeting me to realize it.

Surprisingly, I haven't heard from Jaden since that night. Not even a "Where the hell are you?!" text. I'm not complaining, considering the hell he's put me through, but it's just....weird. It's like he miraculously disappeared from my life. That doesn't just happen. Maybe I'm just crazy. All this planning and talking about my future with Chresanto has me going insane. It's all he wants to talk about now, us going away and starting over. I try and tell him it's more complicated than that, but he just tunes me out.

"Lisa, are you up?"

I rolled over and saw his fit figure in the doorway. I noticed his facial hair growing back in again, mostly around his upper lip. The dye in his hair had faded a little, almost looking dull. He would need to re-dye it soon.

"Yeah, I'm awake."

He came fully in the room and laid beside me, laying his head on my stomach. I slightly smile as I played in his tight curls. I know Chresanto can have a short temper, and may be hot headed at times, but all he needs is someone to love him. That's what his counselor told me. Apparently, he told her about his background life, something he has yet to reveal to me, and she says it was rough. At times like these, it's all I want to give him.

"You know I love you, right?" He muffled into my stomach, which was covered by the bedsheets.

"Yes, you tell me everyday." I smiled.

"It's only so you don't forget."

He lifted his head to give me this cheesy grin, and I giggled. He continued to stare, making me uncomfortable. It was like he was giving me the same look I gave him at that café, that fateful day.


"You've never told me you loved me."

My heart sped up and I was left feeling a sense of guilt. He was right. All the times he's told me he'd loved me, I never once said I loved him back. I don't know why, other than I never got a chance to know him well enough to love him. We've had our nights and experiences, but that's about it. We've never talked, shared our thoughts and ideas, life stories; nothing. How can I love something I know absolutely nothing about?

I swallowed the lump in my throat, as he never took his eyes off me once.

"Chresanto, I-"

The phone rang and Chresanto reached for it. Saved by the ring.

"Hello?" He answered. There was a pause and he stood to leave. I didn't really care, if it meant I didn't have to tell him a lie. I began to stand and head for the bathroom. I did my business and came back out. I quickly dressed into a red summer dress with simple black flip flops. I hadn't planned on going out anywhere.

I walked downstairs, seeing Chresanto sitting on one of the white couches. He was talking, until he turned and saw me then his voice went into almost a deep whisper. I just shrugged my shoulders and started searching his refrigerator for food, because I was starving. I pulled out milk and cereal and by the time I had my bowl set and ready, Chresanto was off the phone. He walked over to me, phone in hand.

"What's wrong?"

"I have some business to take care of, so I won't be here until later on tonight."

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