What We Have...

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Chresanto's POV

*June 15th 2014 8:45 a.m.*


I put the weight down and took a deep breath. I used a towel to wipe the sweat off my brows and stood off my stool. It was uncomfortably hot so I took a quick shower and changed into some shorts and a tank.

"The high today, reaching at temperatures between 95 and 100 degrees, issues people to stay inside, where it's cooler. We ask you have windows open, or turn on the AC...." The weather woman announced on TV.

I did just that, turning it down to only 68 degrees in my house. After that, I decided to go back to the "drawing board". I was fed up, with playing these foolish games. I needed to get rid of all these distractions, and fast, before they take what's rightfully mine. I had many ideas and thoughts, but they just didn't seem....effective. I thought of just taking Lisa and I half way around the world, where we wouldn't be disturbed...

That's it?

What do you mean, that's it?

I mean, that's cute and all but...

But what?

What makes you think he won't go looking for you both? You've already kidnapped her and that shit didn't work!


Shit, you can do whatever the fuck you want, but if it was me.....I'd kill that son of a bitch!

....For what? How would he even know we'd be missing?

Are you that stupid? He's as controlling as you are, of course he'd go after you both.

So, what do YOU propose?

Well, you could poison him. It's quick and easy. But if you really wanna do some damage....

I was interrupted when my phone rang. I checked caller ID and saw it was Lisa. I answered as soon as possible.

"Lisa? What's up?"

Could you sound anymore desperate?

I rolled my eyes and listened, but nobody said anything. I could hear her breathing and some small noises in the back. I got worried and set my glass of orange juice down on the counter.



"Yeah, I'm here. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing...I was just wondering if you were busy."

"No, I'm not."

"Okay, good. I want to see you."

"I wanna see you too."

"Can you meet me at Central Park?"

"Of course. When?"

"In an hour or two. I'll text you."


*10:37 a.m.*

I jumped in my car and drove as fast as traffic would let me, towards Central Park. I wasn't planning on being late. I parked along side the street, thankful this side was pretty empty.

I got out the car and headed through the park. There weren't too many people, considering it was still early. I took a seat on a bench, anxiously waiting for Lisa to show up. It had gotten later and later and I was beginning to have doubts.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I felt uneasy so I turned abruptly around, to be face to face with Lisa.

"Hey." She smiled and we hugged. When we hugged, it felt like the world stopped.

"Hi, what's going on?"

It was now going on 11:20 as we walked down the pathway. A few more people had come out. We were silent, but I didn't mind though.

"You know, I miss you."

"I miss you. I miss us."

"I know, but I just can't get out of this situation."

"But we should be able to do whatever we want, Lisa. You're a grown woman, you can make your own choices."

"I understand that but-"

"But nothing. He's using you. You may not see it, but I do."

She just looked down at the ground, fiddling with her fingers. I sighed and held her hand.

"I only want the best for you."

"I know Chresanto. I just don't know what's best for me right now."

Bish whet?

You should've listened to me the first time...

Don't start...

"Oooh can we please....?!"

I looked up to see Lisa pointing at some ice cream truck. There were a few kids stopped by it, and I couldn't help but smile. Plus, by the way Lisa was jumping up and down, I didn't want to disappoint her.

"Yeah, we can get some."

"Yay!" She kissed my cheek and dragged me to the truck.

After squeezing past the overly excited children, we made our way to the front. She just got a vanilla swirl, while I had an ice cream sandwich. I gladly paid and we walked off with our ice cream. She found us a bench and we sat and ate. Her hair blowed behind her, showing off her beautiful face. I sat back and just admired everything, children playing around. It made me think how things would be if I started a family with Lisa. We could live wherever she wanted, moderately big house with at least three kids. I would love to give her my seed, if she'll let me in...


We both abruptly looked up, and my smiled dropped dramatically.

This nigga....

I know.

"Prince? What are you doing here?"

Yes, what are you doing here?

"I was just hanging with my niece. What are you-"

He stopped when he saw me. He had a serious expression, as did I. Lisa broke the silence when she cleared her throat. She stood up to hug him and I soon stood too. They hugged for a while, making me feel some type of way. I watched as he pulled away and looked at her. It made my palm itch, the way he looked at her.

"Wow, you look great."

"Thank you." She smiled as I stood, awkwardly.

"Oh, Prince you remember Chresanto, right?"

He looked at me questionably, so I smirked and wrapped my arm around Lisa.

"What up?"

"Just here with my girl."

It got silent and the tension started to build. Checkmate.

Bitch nigga...

Lisa's POV

*Same Day 12:50 p.m.*

What the hell Chresanto?! I am not your girl, the fuck?!

After he pulled that little stunt, I rolled my eyes. He only did that cause Prince was here, I bet. Damn he is so...

"Lisa, can we talk?"

I looked at Chresanto, who was looking at me a certain way. Because I'm not happy with his attitude, I smiled and looked back at Prince.

"Yes, we can. Chresanto, why don't you look after Prince's niece for a while? She's just over there." I pointed to the prettiest little girl. Her hair were in short afro puffs and she was wearing a cute pink floral dress with white sneakers.

Prince looked like he was about to have a heart attack and Chresanto looked suprised. I smiled at the both of them, walking towards Prince, taking his hand.

"We'll be back."

"Uh, okay."

I led Prince down another path, past people talking and laying on the grass. People walked their dogs, talked on their phones and just did whatever.

"So, what's really going on? Are you and Chresanto really a-"

"Couple?" I said, finishing his sentance.


I shrugged. To be completely honest, I don't know what we are. Friends with benifits?

"Not really. We're seeing each other, but it's nothing serious."

I refused to mention Jaden.

"Oh." He looked at me, and I could of sworn my heart skipped a beat. How does he still have that affect on me? Maybe it was because he was wearing a shirt with no sleeves, showing his biceps. I don't know.

"What about you? Still single?"

"Looks that way."

We continued walking and talking, until I heard someone running. Before I could look, someone had wrapped their tiny arms around my legs. I shrieked and looked down to see Jasmine, Prince's niece. She looked up at me with the widest grin. She cheesed so hard, her cheeks turned red.

"Hey Jasmine!" I picked her up and held her on my hip.

"Where's Chresanto?"

Right after Prince said that, he came jogging up on us. He smiled once he saw Jasmine was in my arms.

"Bye bye!" Jasmine waved at Chresanto. I laughed and she did too.

"What were y'all too doing?"

"Looks like hide and go seek."

"No.....tag." He said, somewhat out of breath.

"Oh, and she got away from you?" I tickled her stomach and she chuckled.


I opened my mouth to speak, but my phone rang. I gave Jasmine to Prince and stepped aside. I answered my phone, only to regret it.

"Lisa, where the hell have you been?!"


"With who?!"

"Friends, now what do you want?"

"I want you to hurry back. I need you."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. This bipolar ass nigga....I can't.

"I don't know when I'll be done, so I guess you'll see me whenever."

I didn't even bother to continue this conversation. I just hung up and stuffed my phone in my shirt pocket.

"What's wrong?" Both Prince and Chresanto asked at the same time. They looked at each other, but quickly directed their attention back on me.

"Nothing, I just have to leave. Chresanto, thanks for a good time and Prince, your niece is too cute! I'll see y'all later."

*9:34 p.m.*

I moaned and groaned, mumbled under my breath even. Jaden got me in the kitchen, slaving to cook him dinner while he's in the living room. I'm not going to collage to be somebody's damn maid. Whatever, that's why I spit in his drink.

"Lisa, what's taking so damn long?"

I slammed the knife down, eyeing him from the doorway.

"If you so damn impatient, then why don't you come in here and fix it ya damn self!"

He turned his head and looked back at me, like I was crazy. I gave him a look, like he would really wanna try me while I'm around all these damn knives. He stood up and slowly walked into the kitchen, walked behind me to get into the fridge and grab a drink. He stood next to me and sipped his drink, eyeing out the corner of his eye. After his sip his voice dropped to a whisper.

"If you ever talk to me like that again, I'll kill you."

He walked back into the kitchen and plopped his lazy ass back on the couch. He is such a bitch.

I finished with his dinner, gave it to him and turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm. He pulled me down on his lap, trying to kiss my neck.

"You not gon sit here with me?"

Hell no.

"No, I'm tired. I'd rather go take a shower and go to sleep." I began to stand, only to be shifted further in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and started kissing me slowly. I just rolled my eyes and mumble under my breath, having a feeling I knew where this was headed.

The darkness hid my disappointed face. I had rolled over on my side, looking at the clock. Another expedient experience from Jaden. I could hear his lousy snores from over me. I sighed, feeling unsatisfied, yet horny. Trying not to wake the minute man, I found some flip flops, shorts and a half tank. I put my hair in a side ponytail and decided against wearing a bra.

I frantically searched for my car keys, before softly closing the door to Jaden's house. Since that day Chresanto was there to protect me, Jaden made me move in with him. he said it was mandatory considering we were a "couple". That's some bullshit. He made me move in with him because he didn't want Chresanto seeing me at my dorm anymore.

But Jaden is not my damn daddy and I can see whoever the fuck I want to. I parked across the street from his house and climbed the stairs. I knocked on the door and he answered in only a pair of basketball shorts, holding his razor.

"Lisa? What are you do-"

I leaped into his arms, attacking his lips.


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