7 - Mr. Aussie

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Heartache. Rejection. Love. Pain. Confusion.

I was not only feeling these things, I was also experiencing them. It's hard to explain exactly how, but I guess if I summed it up into one word it would be Kian. Knowing Kian apparently had some new found interest in me, I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about it. It was like having a song stuck in your head, except this wasn't a song. This was a thought, a hope, a wish I guess. 

It's been two days since everything happened. School was hell, getting long gazes from Kian, pretending that I'm fine when clearly I'm falling apart. Thankfully, it was only a three day week for school but, Troye and Connor were coming over because apparently they needed to talk to me about something. 


"ALEX, THE BOYS ARE HERE!" My mom yelled from the living room. 

I didn't bother getting up and walking all the way down the stairs. The boys would just let themselves in because they practically live here.

"ALEX GET READY!! WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY!" Troye yelled, practically sprinting into my room.

"GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF YOUR BED!" Connor sassed, pulling all of my blankets off of me.

"What makes you think I'll go to a party with you two?"

"How 'bout I'll buy you pizza and ice cream tomorrow?" Troye suggested, raising an eyebrow.

"You know me way too well."

I 'happily' got ready for the party. Of course, I was happy to see the boys but it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. But I couldn't tell them because they would look at me different. They would treat me like a fragile piece of glass, like at any point I could break. I didn't want them to treat me differently, I don't think I could handle it.


Troye, Connor, and I stepped out of the car like we owned the place. My only goal for tonight was to push away everything that had happened. I needed a break and if getting wasted is how it is going to happen, I'm going to do that.

The three of us walked into the house and immediately I was ditched by the boys, which I figured was going to happen. I mean who would expect two teenage boys not to ditch their friend to go find someone to make out with. Intent on pushing out the things that had happened in the last week or two, I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and began to drink it like it was the last beer on Earth.


I turned around to see Kian standing behind me. I could tell he had already had a few drinks from the way he was standing.

"Hello Kian," I mumbled, not really wanted to talk to him now or ever again.

"What are you doing here? Drinking a beer too?"

"What can I say Kian, you brought the partier out in me."

He laughed a bit before grabbing himself a beer. He chugged his while I slowly sipped on mine, trying not to get too drunk too fast.I honestly wish he would just leave me alone.

"Are you here with Andera?" I asked.

"Yeah, but she ran off with one of her friends. I miss you Al," He said, setting down his empty beer bottle.

"That's just the alcohol in you Kian."

Kian looked me up and down before stepping closer to me. He pushed his face close to mine and from the few inches between us, I could smell his usually spearmint alcohol breath. Within seconds he pressed his soft lips against mine and in that moment I forgot about everything. Forgot about Andrea, the slushie incident, our fight, everything. But deep down, I knew that I shouldn't be kissing him, I shouldn't even think about liking him. I told myself I was going to push him out of my life, but in that moment I couldn't make myself. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and pushed my head against his chest. He was so warm and soothing, but I knew that if I 'took him back', my life would just get worse.

"Woah woah woah. Looks like someone made up," Troye smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

"No no no," I laughed, gently shoving Kian off of me. 

"C'mon Al. He obviously likes you and I know deep down you do too."

"Troye. He has Andrea, I'm not going to be that girl that ruins relationships. Plus, I really don't want to be in any type of relationship, especially with him after everything that has happened lately has sucked."

"Just give that boy a chance Al."

"Yeah, give me a chance Al!" Kian smiled, wrapping his hands around my waist.

"No Kian. You don't understand. You're in a fucking relationship. I'm not going to go and ruin that. Plus I don't know if I could handle a relationship with you right now. There's too much stuff going on in my life."

I got out of the kitchen as quickly as possible, making sure to grab another beer before I exited. As I made my way out to the backyard I bumped into someone, dropping my phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm a little clumsy," I laughed, reaching down to pick up my phone. 

I looked up to see a tall guy, six foot maybe, with blonde hair. He was pretty cute if I do say so myself.

"Not an issue," He smiled.

And he has an accent, an Australian one at that. 

"Are you from around here?" I asked.

"Nah. I come up around this time every year. I know a few people and usually come and crash these kind of parties. I'm Lachlan by the way."

"Alex. Nice meeting you. See you around?"

"Of course. Mind if I ask for your number, it's not everyday you bump into a beautiful girl like you?"

"Hmm. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if I gave you my number."

He smirked and handed me his phone. I quickly put my number in before handing it back to him. I of course added a smirky emoji by my name. 

"See you around Alex," He smiled, before heading off in the opposite direction.

I headed outside in a lot better mood. I found a comfy chair near the back of the yard and began to drink and drink and drink until I couldn't drink anymore. Which may have been the worst thing for me to possibly do.


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