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I was so happy when Jc invited me over to Alex's house. Since Alex did forgive me I was okay with going over there, but I was still reluctant. I mean, last time I was over there everything didn't go too well, but I guess that's in the past. 

Within thirty minutes I had gotten myself looking semi decent and had drove to Alex's house. Her driveway was full, so I had to park on the side of the road in front of her house.Of course, the rain was still coming down hard so I was going to be very wet when I finally got into the house. As I walked up her driveway I realized that I recognized all of the cars, except one. I figured it was probably her moms, but I wasn't entirely sure. 

Jc had told me to let myself in because they were starting a movie and knowing Alex it was probably Finding Nemo or some Disney movie. I shut the door quietly, or at least tried to, but Alex instantly saw me and jumped up and walked over to me.

"Why hello Mr. Lawley, I haven't seen you in a long time," Alex smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, I know I messed up. I'm just glad you forgave me. How 'bout we seal this whole you forgiving me thing with a hug?"

"Hmmmm, you know, I usually hug someone if they ask, BUT NOT TODAY SUCKER!"

Alex quickly ran away from me and jumped onto the couch next to someone who I couldn't really see. She literally JUMPED next to them, which I mean I should expect it from Alex. She then proceeded to lay across them, I swear she thinks she is an animal sometimes.

Jc was sitting on the floor alone so I figured that was the best place for me to go. As I walked past Alex on the couch, I couldn't really see who she was sitting next to, but they were blonde.

"Hey Jc, who is Alex sitting next to?" 

"Oh, it's just Lachlan," Jc whispered.

I instantly sighed of relief. It had been less than a month since they met and I figured Alex was the type of person who had to wait a good while before she started dating someone. She isn't the type of person to see a guy, think they're cute, and then date them a week later. 

I glanced over at Alex, who was still laying on Lachlan's lap, and kind of felt a bit of 'pain' in my heart. Right then I realized they weren't just friends. Alex was staring at Lachlan who seemed to be really into Finding Nemo. There was a giant smile on her face and it looked like she was 'in love', or at least halfway there. 

"Jc, are they dating?" 

"Lachlan and Alex? Yeah, they are," He smiled, glancing over at them.

And in that moment I went from being happy to being absolutely pissed off. Lachlan doesn't deserve such a great girl like her, I mean she's a literal ball of sunshine. Alex should be with me, I know more about her and I can treat better. Hell, Lachlan doesn't even live in America 'full time'. He's going to have to go to Australia one day and will have to leave Alex here, alone. He's not going to move here when all of his family is in Australia, it just won't happen. Alex deserves a guy who will stay in her life, permanently. And that's just not who Lachlan is.



After about watching three movies, the rain finally stopped. It was about four p.m., and it was too late to go to the beach like we wanted to do. Plus, everyone had school in the morning, including me. I decided that since Kian and I were okay now, I didn't really didn't need to do the last month of school online.


"Thank God, I can't wait to leave."

Everyone laughed at me, but I wasn't lying. The whole "high school will be the best years of your life" thing was a joke. I couldn't wait to leave that place.

"Well, I'm going to get going Alex. Thanks for letting us come over!" Connor smiled.

"Of course."

Troye and Connor left at the same time and shortly after Jc and Lia left, until it was just Kian, Lachlan, and I. To be honest, I thought it would be super awkward, but surprisingly it wasn't.

"I better get home Alex. My parents will probably freak if I'm not back," Kian said.

"I understand. If anything happen just remember I can talk to you, don't be afraid to tell me anything Ki. Oh and thanks for coming over too!"

"Yes, I know all of that Alex. I'll catch you later."

Kian left the housing leaving Lachlan and I alone once again.

"Lachy, I really hope it wasn't too awkward for you."

"I mean, it was a little, but I could handle it. As long as he doesn't try to steal you away from me, I think I'll be all good," He smirked, pulling me towards him.

Lachlan pulled me close to him, my face was about an inch away from his. I could slightly smell the peppermint gum he always chews, which has seemed to permanently keep his mouth smelling like peppermint. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in to me very slowly. His kiss was slow and passionate, nothing rough about it, but soon it escalated. And somehow we ended up in my bedroom. 

I locked the door behind me and I very carefully took off Lachlan's t-shirt, revealing his abs, which were surprisingly toned to perfection. I then took off my sweatshirt, which of course I wasn't wearing the most 'attractive' bra, hell I was just wearing an old sports bra. But then and there, I felt fully exposed. My arms were clear of anything that could hide my scars, but I felt safe knowing that Lachlan was there. He wouldn't judge me because of my scars, he'd embrace the beauty of them. They show the struggle I went through and how tough I am. 

We continued to kiss, and let's just say you know where things went from her. (;




But anyways, thanks for reading <3

ALSO QUICKLY: would you guys read another story ive been working really hard on? it doesn't contain any youtubers, but i feel like it'll be a great story... just comment yes if you would read it 

thanks loves <3

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