18 - Australia

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After Alex had triple checked everything and decided she was finally done worrying about everytihng, she hasn't stopped smiling. It's like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she could finally feel one hundred percent happy.

"You know Alex, I really like seeing you like this."

"What, overly excited?" She smiled, of course.

"Well yeah, but I feel like you haven't been this happy in a long time."

"And you would be correct, but can we do one thing before we leave?"

"Better be quick. We have to leave in ten minutes."

Alex grabbed my hand and led me to her room. She told me to stay put in her bedroom and went into the bathroom to grab something. She came out with a small plastic bag with about five razor blades in it.

"Lachlan, I'm finally ready to get this part of my life gone, forever. Ever since you came into my life, I've never felt happier. Sure, all the shit with Kian probably made me seem like I wasn't happy, but honestly there was still a part of me that was still happy. You changed my life and now that I have you, I don't and will never need these again," Alex explained.

"I'm glad Alex. I feel like we entered each others lives at the perfect time. We both needed someone to love and for someone to love us back. Sure, we had people in our lives that loved us, but I felt like we both needed someone else. Now, lets go get rid of these, forever."

Alex and I walked into the bathroom and Alex flushed the blades down the toilet. It was an emotional moment for Alex, so I held her close and rubbed her back.

"WAIT. When did Lia and Jc become a thing?"

"That's random, but when you ditched me for Australia!"

Alex laughed and ran out of the bathroom, me of course chasing her. Once we got into the kitchen I caught her and began to tickle her. She knew I didn't want to ditch her, but I needed to travel home and she kept on giving me crap for it.

"L-l-l-l-lachlan. P-p-please!" Alex stuttered, still laughing.

I let go and she turned around and jumped on me. She wrapped her arms around me neck and held on, similar to the way a monkey holds onto a tree.



"Lachy, wake up! We have arrived!"

I looked out the window and saw home. Well, I saw the airport, BUT it was technically my home country.

Alex basically sprinted off the plane so I checked the seats to see if she forgot anything and then began to make my way off the plane.

"WHY IS IT COLD?" Alex frowned.

"We are on the other side of the equator silly."

"It's like negative three billion degrees."

"No, its currently 14 degrees Celsius or 50 something Fahrenheit."

"Ew, that sucks. But lets go! I want to meet your family."

Alex grabbed my hand and we made our way through the airport and got all of our things. Since we didn't have a car, I hailed a taxi and we made our way to my parents house.

"Woah, your house is big!" Alex smiled.

"Yeah, it kind of is. By the way this is a surprise for my parents."

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