23 - The Truth.

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I ran into the house, searching for my mother. My first instinct was that she was in her bedroom, so I basically sprinted into her bedroom. 


I jumped onto her bed and hugged her like I never hugged her before. We both started to cry once we were together.

"Mom, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too honey. And I listened to that song," She grinned.


"I haven't been able to stop listening to it Alex. And I know Lachlan is a good guy."

"Mom, I don't think I've ever been this happy with a guy. Like, I was sick when we first got to Australia and he wouldn't leave my side. He would've gotten my sickness just because he wanted me to be comfortable."

"I knew from the first time I met him that he would be good to you."

I looked up and saw Lachlan leaning against the doorway smiling and just seeing him happy made me even happier. I jumped out of the bed and ran over to him and just hugged him. I had just seen him not even ten minutes ago, but I needed to hug him.

"I love you," He whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"I love you too babe."

"SO LET ME SEE THAT RING GIRL!" My mom yelled, interrupting our cute couple moment.

"Way to ruin the moment Mom!"

"Oh Alex, you two can have many other moments later."

Lachlan and I both laughed before I ran and jumped onto her bed to show her the ring. She smiled once she saw it because she knew it was the ring I had been dreaming about since I was little.

"I should probably head to my house for the night. You two need some mother daughter bonding time," Lachlan began.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, plus I can get some stuff packed."

"Sound good. I love you."

"I love you too."

Lachlan walked out of the room and my mom and I continued to look at my ring.

"You know he'll be back in a little while right?" My mom asked.

"Oh yeah."

"I HEARD THAT!" Lachlan yelled from down the hallway.


I heard the front door open and close which was Lachlan leaving the house. My mom had gotten up off the bed and was picking off her clothes off the floor.

"Mom, can I talk to you?"

"Of course. What's wrong?" She asked.

"Well, you know how before Lachlan and I got together you were super strict, kind of mean about Kian, and didn't really allow me to do much?"


"Why were you?"

"Well, I had a feeling that Kian wasn't good for you. Once you two started talking you kind of changed and I thought I lost the little girl I knew. And once that happened it's like I lost two people in my life who I never thought I would lose, you and your dad. So I thought by being strict I would be able to keep my little girl. But once Lachlan came into your life, I knew he was the guy you needed in your life. He helped you stop cutting yourself. I could tell from the day we met he was in love with you."

"Wait, you knew about me cutting?"


"I told you I stopped though."

"It's a mother instinct Alex. You stopped wearing tank tops and t-shirts. Your mood changed drastically and you spent a ton of time in your room."

"Well, I'm glad I stopped for good now."

"Yeah me too. How 'bout we have a mother daughter movie night?"

"Like when I was twelve? We haven't done anything like this in years."

"Yeah, but we need to catch up on everything that happened when you were in Australia!"


"His brother seriously called you a cutie!?" My mom laughed.

"Oh yeah. And I realized both boys SUCK at Mario Kart!"

"That's hilarious!" 

"Yeah, I know. But I think I'm going to go to my bedroom and try to get my sleep schedule back on track."

"Okay, goodnight!"

"And Mom, I love you."

"I love you too baby girl."



I walked into the front door of Alex's house around midnight and saw that the kitchen light was still on. I went to turn it off when I saw Alex's mom sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea.

"We knew you would come back," She laughed, slowly sipping on her coffee.

"What can I say, I just can't leave you two alone!" 

"I can tell! She's in her bedroom."

"Alright, goodnight Ms. James!"

"Oh and Lachlan, one more thing."

"What's up?"

"Thank you for everything."

"What do you mean?"

"Thank you. You helped her stop cutting herself, you brought her out of the bad place she was in. You've treated her amazingly and you got my little girl back."

"It's nothing much really,"

"No Lachlan, you have no idea how big of an impact you've made on her life. All of her past boyfriends have treated her like shit. You've been amazing and no matter what happens between you two in the long run, I will always be thankful for you entering her life when you did."

"All I really did is loved her. All she needed was a guy who truly loved her for who she was, all her imperfections and her perfections."

She smiled and I headed back into Alex's bedroom. I carefully crawled into the bed next to her and she instantly cuddled up next to me.

"You're still awake?" 

"I couldn't fall asleep without you here. I tried, I really tried." She yawned.

"Well I'm here now. Get some sleep babe."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


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