11 - Just Friends

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After Lachlan dropped me off at home, I talked to my mom about the whole Kian thing and asked if I could take online school or be home schooled, and surprisingly she said yes to online school because she didn't really have time to home school me.

But after that I really had nothing to do. It had been about three hours since Lachlan dropped me off, so I knew he was already with Jc and Lia. So, in an attempt to do something 'fun', I decided to watch Glee, but before I did that, I made some hot chocolate and put on a pair of knee high socks and an over-sized t-shirt. I was only half an episode in when my phone started vibrating.

Lia: YO ALEX! your boy Lachlan is talking about you.

For some insanely odd reason, my heart began to beat a bit faster and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was a weird feeling, especially when I had nothing to be so worked up about.

Me: Lol. Hopefully it's good (:

Lia: Yeah it is. But Ms. Alex, do you and Lachlan have a thing (;

Me: No... what would make you think that?

Lia: IDK.. maybe the fact that you told him first about the Kian situation, held his hand, fell asleep in his lap, or tackled him with a hug..

Me: Lia there is nothing going on between us. He's a really sweet guy, but you know why I don't want there to be anything between us.

Lia: He's a good guy and whether you like it or not you like him. I can tell from the way you get all smiley around him. And Lachlan isn't Kian and you have to realize that.

Everything she said was absolutely true. Maybe I do have a small crush on Lachlan, but that isn't going to make me want to date him. I guess, I'm just scared to go through what happened with Kian all over again because it's made and still is making my life a living hell.

I turned off my phone and continued to watch Glee.


About three hours after my talk with Lia, I heard a light knock at my bedroom door. I wrapped my blankets around me and began to walk over to the door. Slowly, but surely I opened the door, expecting my mom.

"Lachlan, what are you doing here?" I gasped.

"Well, I figured you could use some company and I kind of hoped you were done talking to your mom so we could hang out or something. Oh! I got you these too!"

He pulled out a giant bag of skittles and a bouquet of daisies. It was a pretty good gesture if I do say so myself.

"How 'bout we watch some Glee?"

Lachlan laughed before agreeing to watch it. We made our way over to my bed, I of course climbed in first and moved my laptop and other clothing articles off my bed. Shortly after, Lachlan crawled in next to me.

From the way we were laying, you would think we were dating, but we aren't. It wasn't long before I began to get tired, so I rolled over so my head was basically on Lachlan's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and it made me feel really safe.

"Alex, can I tell you something?" Lachlan whispered.

"Of course, what is it?"

Secretly, I was hoping he would say something to me about him liking me because I think I would honestly tell him I liked him back. And Lia was right when she said that Lachlan isn't Kian, but it's hard to begin to trust another boy when you went through what I went through.

"I'm really happy we're friends."



"I'm really happy we're friends."

WHY DID I CHICKEN OUT LIKE THAT? Why couldn't I just confess my feelings towards Alex. I know it's too soon after we met to like her, but Alex makes me feel some sort of way. She makes me feel loved and always can put a smile on my face, yet I was too scared to tell her I like her.

"Me too Lachy," Alex giggled.

"OH! We're now in the nickname part of our friendship?"

"Yup! And you can't do anything from now on because I will now address you as Lachy or if I'm feeling adventurous Little Lachy."

"Not fair Alex. I'm not little!"

"Do you just listen to how you said that? Point proven."

Alex smirked and me and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. There's something about her that just makes me feel excited / nervous.

"OH AND LACHY! My mom said I can do online school, which means I won't have to go and deal with Kian at school and that I can hang out with you more often!" Alex smiled, obviously excited.

"That's great, but I will not distract you from getting your education missy! You're almost done with high school and you cannot fail now."

"Pshh, you'll think I'll be distracted by you? That's funny! Plus, I only have a month left so it's all easy from here on out!"

Alex winked at me after she said that, obviously joking about that. It was nice seeing her happy and not so scared about the whole Kian situation. It's was like she was an entire different person. She's happier and my goal is to work up my courage and tell her how I feel which would hopefully make her even happier.


AWEEE cute Lalex moment <3

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