20 - Sickness and Mario Kart

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"Lachlan, thanks for doing this for me," Alex smiled.

"Doing what? Being a good boyfriend? It's my job Alex."

"But, my exes wouldn't do this for me. They would just leave me alone until I got better. I guess I'm just not used to this."

"Well you better get used to this, especially after our baby is born."

"Oh god, are you scared? Because I'm afraid of what will happen after this. I mean we have about seven months until our lives are going to change."

"I'm excited, afraid, nervous, basically every single emotion, but I believe in us."

"Lachlan, do you want to get married one day? I mean I'm not saying now or even in a month, but in the future would you want to?"

"Of course I'd want to get married to you Alex. You're carrying my baby and since you're doing that I owe you marriage."

Alex laughed at the 'I owe you' part. I knew it would put a smile on her face.

"Yeah mister, you owe me a lot. I'M GOING TO HAVE STRETCH MARKS!"

"Okay, okay. But you better buy me a good ring, like silver or something."

"Okay, but you better buy me a good ring! A small one that isn't too fancy, I'll find a picture for you!"

Alex pulled out her phone and began to look for wedding rings. She instantly swiped past big, chunky ones which was something I expected.

"This one! Well, similar to something like this, like on the middle one maybe one diamond and maybe not the bottom ring, but otherwise similar to that. I don't need you spending your life savings on a ring" (picture above)

"I'll keep that in mind."

Alex snuggled herself into my chest and began to slowly fall asleep.

"Go hang out with your family or something. I'm just going to sleep and if I need something, I'll come out and get something. I don't need you getting my sickness," Alex mumbled, half asleep.

"Are you sure, I'm perfectly fine staying here?"

"Go, otherwise I'll divorce you!"

I laughed and got out of bed. Before I left, I refilled Alex's water and gave her some crackers. I covered her up and turned off the light.

I walked into the kitchen to see my sister and mom talking.

"Have you told her about Veronica?" My mom asked randomly.

"No, but I'll tell her someday. But Jackie, she told me what she wants."

I found the picture on Google and showed her.

"She said not the bottom ring, the middle one needs less diamonds and the top one is perfect."

"Well, you'll purpose to her with the middle one and once you two get officially married, give her the top one."

"Let's go!"


After my nap that probably lasted about one hour, I decided it was finally time to get up. I went to grab my phone off the night stand table and saw that Lachlan had given me crackers and a glass full of water. Of course, I chugged the water and ate a few of the crackers before I go to our of bed.

I walked into the living room where I saw Lachlan's brother, Mitch, playing Mario Kart on the Wii.


He looked up and smiled at me before handing me a controller.

"I'm sorry about what I said when we first met. It wasn't exactly the first impression I wanted to give," He laughed.

"It's no big deal. I thought it was sweet."

"Thank goodness. So how long have you known my annoying brother for?"

"A few months, but to be completely honest it's felt like I've known him for years. He's a good guy."

"Yeah, just wait till he's even more comfortable with you. But, when he came down here last, he wouldn't SHUT UP about you."

"Yeah, he's like overly obsessed with me!"

He laughed and we continued to play Mario Kart. Me, being the bomb gamer I am, crushed him in all the games I played. After about forty five minutes I heard the door open.

"WOAH DUDE. WHY ARE YOU STEALING MY GIRL!?" Lachlan said, trying to sound offended.

"She said she likes me more. Sorry Lachs!" Mitch winked.


"Well Lachy, I like his accent more than yours," I smiled.

"I don't have an accent because I hang out with you too much."

"Where's Jackie?"

"The kitchen."

I got up and ran into the kitchen. Jackie was sitting in the kitchen drink tea or coffee.

"Oh my goodness, those boys. I need a break!"

"Yeah, imagine growing up with them!" She laughed.

"I'm sorry. So what did you and Lachlan do?"

"Nothing much. I made him buy me pizza and then we went to the mall and shopped, well browsed the stores, found stuff we liked, looked at the price, and left without what we liked."

"Sounds like something I would do. Lachlan and I need to go baby shopping. And we need to look at houses or apartments."

"If you ever need a girl to go baby shopping with, I'd be more than happy flying up there to help you."

"I might have to take up that offer. As much as I love Lachlan, he's not the best person to shop with."

Jackie and I continued to talk, but after a bit I started to feel sick. It felt like my body was exploding and I felt really cold, even though I was sweating.

"I'm sorry Jackie, I need to go lay down."

She nodded and I headed into the bedroom. Lachlan saw me walking there and followed me into the bedroom.

"Lachlan, I feel like crap. And I'm freezing cold."

He took off his sweatshirt and handed it to me. Even with two sweatshirts on I still felt cold.

"Take this," He said handing me some medicine.

"I don't want to get you sick, but can you lay here with me. You make me feel better."

"Of course. Hopefully this is just a one day bug. Want to watch tv?"

"I'd rather just cuddle with you and try to sleep."

Lachlan changed into shorts and took off his shirt before crawling into the bed with me. His arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Lachlan, I love you, a lot. I thank you for everything you've done for me. Especially dealing with me through the whole Kian thing and not treating me like so physco when I told you about my self harm. You've made me a better person."

"I love you too Alex. It was no big deal at all. But get some sleep and in the morning we will do something fun if you're feeling better."

"Pizza date?"

"Pizza date."


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