17 - How About We Take a Trip?

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Everyone had left the house, leaving Lachlan and I alone. Neither of us were really talking since I was still crying from what Kian said. I know that I shouldn't let it get to me as much as it did, but I just thought he'd be a bit nicer about it, but no. And I should've known that he would react like that. 

"I'm really sorry Lachlan, I know I shouldn't let this get to me as much a it is. I just, ugh, what he said about you really pissed me off. And for some idiotic reason, I thought it might be true, which pisses me off even more. I know you wouldn't do that to me.  Just the fact that I considered it CRUSHES me."

"Alex, don't worry about it. Everything happened so quick and it was just in the heat of the moment. It's not like I think of you any differently now." He smiled.

"I know, I know. But the fact I let that asshole get into my head like that, is horrible. I just, ugh, Lachlan I really love you."

"I love you too Alex and that won't change. I promise you. So how 'bout we do something fun and get everything out of your head. Maybe watch some Glee?"

"That sounds perfect, but Lachlan. Do you think you and I could go to Australia? I know you just got back, but it has been one of the places I've wanted to travel to since I was little. Plus, I could meet your family."

"Of course. I was hoping you wanted to because it's hard for my grandparents to get over here. They're getting old and it's hard for them to travel super far."

"Awe, I'd love to meet your grandparents. When is the soonest flight there?"

"Let me check."

As Lachlan was checking for a flight, I couldn't help but look at him. I know it probably sounds really creepy, but its the truth. He's my boyfriend, my best friend, the father of my child, he's the person who has made me feel safe and loved. It probably sounds cheesy and I think it way too much, but I'm completely in love with him. In the past two or so months, it's felt like I've known him for my entire life. He knows things about me not many others do. 

"The next flight is in twenty minutes, tomorrow, a week from now, and then in a month."

"The one in a month sounds perfect. I'll go make a list of stuff we need. How long?"

"A week, at least."

"How about two weeks?"

"Perfect, we can stay at my parents house too since I still have my bed and everything there. Or I can book a hotel, it's up to you."

"Parents house sounds perfect."

"I can't wait Alex."

"Same here. I love you."

"I love you too."



I am an idiot. A complete idiot. Sometimes, I feel like if I would've never been there when Andrea dumped the slushie on Alex and just let her tell the whole school about everything going on, life would've been better. I probably would've broken up with Andrea quicker and I would've had Alex. I would've fucking had Alex. She wouldn't be with that fucking Australian, who is only using her to make me jealous and a way for him to leave his family and move here. Watch him purpose to her with some giant ring and some mushy proposal, gross. 

I sat in my empty house, alone. If Mr. Perfect would've never came here, if she never bumped into him, she would fucking be here with me. I would be the father of her child, I would! I wouldn't be alone falling into a spiral of depression. And maybe me being depressed about her moving on is too much, like I shouldn't be depressed because I'm not dating some girl. But, she was so different. She wasn't just some girl. She was my dream girl. We both had issues, but we could've helped each other through them. She would've fallen for me as hard as I fell for her. And now that school is over, there's no way I'm going to see her everyday. She's slipping away from me and I can't do anything to stop it. 


I hope you enjoyed and I promise there is BIG, HUGE, GIANT things coming ahead.

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