13 - Movie

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It's been a whole day since I put the letter in Alex's mailbox. It's not like I was expecting an immediate response, but I was figuring I would hear something from her. But I guess I shouldn't expect something from her after all the shit I put her through.

As I was playing some dumb computer game my phone began to rang and right away I know it was. I basically dove out of my chair and on my bed. On my lock screen there was a message from Alex.

Alex: I got your letter Kian. I'm truly sorry about your whole situation you went through and I can kind of see where all this shit came from. I hope everything gets better. As for us, I've decided that I can give you a second chance to be my friend. Now, I'm not saying I'm going to tell you everything all I'm saying is that I want to be able to talk to you without being pissed of now. I hope everything with Andrea is better.

Me: OMG thank god Alex. I've missed you so much. Oh Andrea, she's out of my life. After that whole 'party' thing at Troye's house, I dumped her. It's like she was trying to flirt with every single guy there and I couldn't handle it anymore. Plus, I didn't feel the same about her anymore. I've also decided to move out of my parents house since I'm old enough. 

Alex: I'm proud of you Ki (: 

In that moment I finally felt happy, something I hadn't felt since the whole thing with Alex went down. It's like she was thing that was keeping me together ever since our little encounter in the girls bathroom. She was the only thing that made me happy and thank God she was back.



"So Lachlan, I have to tell you something important and please don't freak out about it."

"Okay Alex... what's up?"

"Well, I told Kian that we could be friends again, just friends."


"You're not mad?"

"Alex, why would I be mad? You forgave him, something most people don't know how to do these days. You have a big heart Alex, I expected this to happen since we basically met. Plus, I finally got the girl of my dreams and I'm not about to mess it up because she became friends with someone again."

"Girl of your dreams, huh. I feel like you say that to every girl."

"C'mon Alex. I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life. Plus, most girls I've dated didn't really care for me. I was just something they just like the idea of me, the idea of having a boyfriend."

"Well Lachy, I like more than the idea of you. I like everything about you."


I looked up and saw Troye, Jc, and Lia at the door. Troye looked shocked, but Jc and Lia didn't, which I expected. I told Troye I didn't want a relationship and look what happened.

"YOU GUYS INVITED YOURSELF IN! If you don't like it you can leave!" I joked.

"ALEX OMG! YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T GOING TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP ANYTIME SOON!! THANK GOD YOU CHANGED YOUR MIND! I thought you were going to make that poor boy wait forever!" Troye laughed.

"Woah woah woah, you knew he liked me?"

"Alex, all of us knew. First of all, it was very obvious and then he kind of filled us all in."

I smiled knowing that Lachlan told all of my friends that he liked me. I don't know why it made me happy, it was just really adorable.

"Alex, I also have a surprise for you. But before I say it, promise me you won't freak out."

"Troye, you know I can't promise that, just tell me!"

"Well you know how I liked Connor?"

"Duh, he's all you ever talk about."

"Well, we are kind of dating."


I literally jumped off the couch and ran over to Troye. Before he could even take in what was happening, I gave him the largest hug I could possibly give, to be honest I'm surprised I didn't squeeze him to death. I was really happy for him.

"So, did Lachlan spend the night?" Jc asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Pshh, what would make you think that?" I questioned.

"Well, first of all he said he was coming over here after we finished hanging out and second of all, he's wearing the same clothes I last saw him in."

"What if he came here early this morning and just didn't change? Hmmm Jc? Bet you didn't think about that!"

"Oh, but I did. I was out driving last night and I drove past, and guess whose car was here? LACHLAN'S!"

Jc's detective work made everyone laugh. I wasn't trying to hide the fact that Lachlan spent the night, I was just trying to see how hard Jc would try to prove he was right. I've noticed he is a really stubborn person when it comes to being wrong. He will literally do any and everything to make sure he is always correct.

"Oh, and just so all of you know, I forgave Kian. Now please don't freak out. I told him we will just be friends. It's not like I want to have a relationship with him after all the shit I went through, but I believe that everyone deserves a second chance."

"Gosh Alex, your heart is way too big for this world we live in," Lia admitted.

"I've been told, but I'm not going to live my life holding grudges against people because I would want a second chance too if I messed up. Oh and trust me, I mess up a lot."

"Changing subjects, the rain hasn't lightened up. Do you guys want to invite Connor over and watch some movies? Oh and maybe we could invite Kian if it wouldn't be a big fuss?" Jc suggested.

I knew that Jc missed Kian, I mean ever since the whole thing happened between him and I, Jc's been a little quieter. He full on stopped talking to Kian, and that was never my intention. Jc didn't have to stop talking to Kian because of me, some girl. I was totally cool with Kian but I felt like I knew someone who may be 'eh' about this. I looked at Lachlan, who I could tell felt a little uncomfortable with the whole Kian mess. He nodded his head when I did that eyebrow thing which meant "you cool with this?". I smiled and told Jc it was cool to invite him over, and even suggested that he bring a friend so it wouldn't be too awkward for him.

I was kind of glad everyone was going to get along. And with Kian being over, what's the worse that could happen?


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that happened. I'm so excited for this storyyyyyyy!!!!

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