12 - Forgiveness and Confessions

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Chirp, chirp, chirp.

I opened my eyes to the bright, blinding sunlight coming in through my window. Slowly, I sat up and saw that Lachlan was still next to me. I know I fell asleep first, on Lachlan, so I figured he didn't want to wake me so he just stayed, which I was completely fine with.

I crawled out of bed carefully, trying not to wake Lachlan up, and headed downstairs to make a cup of hot chocolate since I'm not a fan of coffee. Surprisingly, my mom was up, which I could tell since the smell of coffee lingered throughout the living room / kitchen area.

"Good morning Alex. I see Lachlan slept over?"

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I know I should've told you, but I didn't plan on falling asleep. And he would've left, except I fell asleep on him."

"Alex, I don't care. I know nothing happened between you two. I trust you."

"You trust me? Finally. With the whole Kian thing it seemed like you didn't trust me."

"Alex, I was right about him. I told you he was no good and look what happened. When he was over here a week or two ago he seemed like he genuinely liked you, but I know it was just his way of making me let you go."

"Yeah, I don't get why I didn't trust you. I just wanted to be right for once."

"Completely understandable. Oh and Lachlan is a very sweet guy, Alex. I like him."

"Mom, we're just friends!"

"Friends that cuddle, huh. That's something new."

I rolled my eyes and began to make my hot chocolate. My mom and I continued to talk and for once in my life, she didn't seem as strict as I thought she was. It was like after the whole Kian incident she changed. Maybe it's because she knew I relapsed and wanted me to tell her everything, which I never did before Kian. But whatever happened, I'm happy it did.

As my mom and I continued we heard footsteps from back in my room and then wild Lachlan came speed walking out into the kitchen.

"OMG Ms. James, I am so sorry. I didn't plan on spending the night, none of this is Alex's fault. She fell asleep on me and I didn't want to wake her, so I waited until she kind of moved herself, which never happened. I apologize." Lachlan spilled out.

"Oh, Lachlan don't even worry about it! I trust you both, no need to apologize. It's not like I didn't know you were here!"

I laughed at the sight of Lachlan go from freaking out to calming down. It was quite amusing how worried he was about my mom being mad, but I guess it was also sweet at the same time.

"I'm going to get going to work now. Oh, the mail came and you have a letter. I put it on the coffee table in the living room," My mom said.

"Sounds good! Have a good day at work! Love you."

"Love you too."

My mom left the house and I grabbed the letter out of the living room and brought it back to the kitchen. Lachlan went outside to call his parents, so I was left alone to read the letter. It didn't say who it was from, so I slowly opened it and pulled out a handwritten letter.

Dear Alex,

This is the only way I found out I could get you to listen to me. First of all, I'd like to apologize for how much of a jerk I've been lately. You see, my parents have been fighting and lashing out at me for no reason and you don't even realize how many times I've been called a 'worthless, no good son'. So instead of using my anger against them, I took it out on you and you don't deserve it one bit. Secondly, I'd like to address the whole Andrea situation. When I said I was worried about my reputation being ruined, I lied. Andrea was threatening to tell the whole school about my parents and the fact that I had self harmed. Yup, my secrets out. It's the reason why I spazzed out on you when you relapsed because I know the exact pain you went through and for me to be the cause of it made me sick to my stomach.

Alex, I'm not asking for everything to go back to normal before this whole incident happened, I'm just asking you to give me a chance. Hell, if you just think about it I will be happy. I'm truly sorry Alex for all the pain I put you through. I hope you understand where it came from. Alex, I would never ever want to hurt you in any way shape or form, I guess I just couldn't figure out who to take my anger out from. I miss you Alex and I still truly want to be in your life.


Shocked was an understatement. There is no word to describe how I feel.  I didn't know whether I believed this all or whether it was all a hoax, but once again I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was like all along I only needed this letter for me to truly begin to forgive Kian and all the shit he's put me through, but then I realized how I felt about Lachlan. Lachlan has been there for me since day one and never did he make me feel like shit. He was my rock and I can't even fathom how I would get through all of this without him.

After a while of thinking alone since Lachlan was still on the phone I decided what I wanted. I wanted Lachlan, no doubt about it. But, I decided to give Kian a second chance to be my friend and nothing more than my friend. The only hard part of this whole situation was that Lachlan didn't know how I felt about him, I only knew how he felt about me.

Lachlan was still on the phone with his parents, but I decided it was now or never. I walked to the front door and outside to be confronted by a downpour of rain. Lachlan had apparently taken shelter in his car from the rain and he was beginning to walk back towards the house. I sprinted towards him and once I was close enough I jumped into his arms and kissed him. He wrapped his strong arms around me and I wrapped my legs around his torso. It felt like we were in a Nicholas Sparks movie as the rain continued to pour down, drenching both of us, but I never wanted it to end.



Alex pulled away from our kiss. Her hair had curled / waved from being wet and the mascara she had on from yesterday had smudged under her eyes, yet she still looked as beautiful as always.  She had a big smile across her face and I finally knew how she felt about me.

"Well, Little Lachy, I think we should be more than friends."

"Best friends?" I teased.

"No, keep going."

"Super best friends?"

"Keep going."

"Super duper best friends?" By now, I was waiting for her to say it.

"No. I think we should be, a couple," She smiled, whispering the last part.

"What is that Alex?"

"LACHLAN. I LIKE YOU, A LOT. So, I think we should be a couple."

"Well, I don't know if I feel the same way Alex."

"Oh shut the hell up. I heard you talking to Jc on the phone."

"Well, okay then. Ms. Alex would you like the be my girlfriend?"

"If I have too!" She giggled.

I kissed her again, feeling six thousand sparks. My stomach had begin to fill with butterflies and my heart begun to beat out of my chest. It was the what I had wanted the moment I laid eyes on her. I got the girl.




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