25 - Wedding.

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"Today's the day baby girl. Today is the day I can officially change my name to Mrs. Alex Power."

I talked to Charlotte as I gently swayed back and forth. She was getting big and of course her first words were Dada, which I figured since I'm pretty sure Lachlan persuaded her with and extra bottle of food, jerk.

"Alex, you need to out on your dress, you're heading down the aisle in five minutes," Lia exclaimed, snatching Charlotte away from me.

I slipped into my big poofy dress, I had gone with the sweetheart neckline and a big poofy skirt, kind of like Cinderella's, which I had dreamed of since I was little. My hair had curled and then braided and I was completely in love with it. Everything was perfect.

"Char, tell your mommy she looks beautiful!" Lia smiled.

"Let's go."


I walked down the aisle with Kian and I was pretty happy he did. He seemed truly happy for me which I never would've expected in a million years.

I looked at Lachlan who stared at me as I approached him and he had tears falling out of his eyes. Seeing him cry made me want to cry too, but I didn't want to ruin the makeup Lia had spent two hours on.

I finally made it to Lachlan and he took my hand in his as we listened to the priest say all of the wedding stuff, but after a long time it was finally my turn to say my vows that Lachlan and I had both written.

"Oh God Lachlan, where do I start? When we met at that party, which I am pretty sure you purposely bumped into me for just so you could get my number, I felt something different about you. Instantly I felt a connection between us, nothing I had ever felt before with anyone else before. You brought me out of a dark place in my life and I could never repay you. In the past two years and whatever amount of months I've known you, I don't think I've ever been happier. You bring out the best in me. And I don't know if you remember when I told you I was pregnant, I was so scared you'd walk out of my life because you were too young and weren't ready to be a father, but you didn't bat an eye. No matter how scared I was about being a parent you always seemed to reassure me and make sure I knew I would be a bomb parent. Oh and another thing, I wasn't asleep when you had your little chit chat with Char on the day she was born, I thought that was the sweetest things you could've done. Lachlan, I could talk about how amazing you are all day but this isn't the time or place for that. All I can say is that I thank you for being there for me whenever and I needed it and I completely and utterly in love with you."

I finished my vow, but towards the end tears began falling out of my eyes and I kind of cried out the last part of the vow, but I think I got everything I wanted to say out. Lachlan had tears in his eyes, which made me know I did a good job.

"Okay, so I didn't know we were going for the long, sappy vows, so mine is a little different," Lachlan laughed, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Alex, where do I start with you, wow our beginnings are similar. You know the day you ran into me, I know you did it because you thought I was cute and I don't blame you, I mean look at me. But ever since I've met you, I've came to realize you are the weirdest, goofiest person in the world. I mean, you sat on the couch feeding Char and playing Mario Kart at the same time, that takes some talent! But, Alex you are the most beautiful human being I've ever laid eyes on. You are my best friend, the mother to my child, the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. Alex, I love you," Lachlan spilled out.

"Anyone have any objections between the marriage of Lachlan Power and Alex James?" The priest said.



The End.


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