22 - Love

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It had been a day since Lachlan purposed and this is the first time I'm checking my phone after I posted the picture to Instagram. I had a text from Kian, a five missed calls from my mom, a phone call from Lia, Troye, and Connor. I of course decided to call my mom back first.

"Alex, are you really getting married?" My mom said right away.

"Yes mom, I am."

"Oh my god, my baby is growing up. I can't believe it. You're going to be moving out soon and I'll be all alone. Alex, I don't think I can handle it."

"I figured you would react like this. Can you listen to Mama's Song by Carrie Underwood? It's basically how I feel and what I want to tell you, but if I tell you I'll burst into tears so Carrie can tell you."

"Fine. I'll call you back in a little while. I love you."

"Love you too Mom."

After I got off the phone with my mom, I was almost in tears. I know that she's struggling to see me grow up right before her eyes. I'm getting married, I'm pregnant, I'm moving out, it's a lot to take in at once.

"How'd she take it?" Lachlan asked while he was driving.

"I have no idea. I think she's happy though."

"As long as she's happy, that's good!"

I smiled and continued to respond to people. Troye, Lia, and Connor were all super happy for me and wanted to through me a non-alcoholic bachelorette party if I got married before the child was born, which I didn't plan on. All the comments on Instagram were super sweet as well as Facebook and Twitter. The last person I had to respond to was Kian. I read his text and decided the best thing to do was to call him.

"Hello?" He asked in his morning voice, which was the same as I remember it.

"Hi Kian, I got your message."

"Alex, I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve to get treated like I treated you. And everything I did SUCKED. As much as I don't want you to know, you need to. I was so in love with you Alex, I wanted you to be the mother of my first child. I wanted to marry you Alex. I wanted you in my life for the rest of my life. I was in denial that you were happy without me. And as hard as it for me to admit, I'm still in love you."

"But you have to move on Kian, I have. And if it makes you feel better I felt basically the same up until everything happened. You can find someone out there who loves you with all their heart, but I'm happy with Lachlan."

"Alex, you're everything I wanted in a girl. I still want to talk to you and be in your life if that's okay with you and Lachlan."

"I'll talk to him, but you need to stop saying all that shit about him. He's a really good guy."

"Yeah, I know. I witnessed the day you met at the party and I wished that you wouldn't fall for him. I knew that he was a great girl and cared for people. Many drunk girls went up to him and tried kissing him and stuff, but he wouldn't kiss back. He didn't take advantage of girls. But, I'm going to let you go. Oh, and just so you know I stopped cutting. I moved out of my parents and life has been much better. Goodbye."


Kian hung up before I could even finish saying goodbye. After talking to him, part of me missed him and wished everything that happened, never did. But I knew that Lachlan was a great guy and I was completely in love with him.

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