Chapter Twenty - Force

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 So, the story is almost at an end. Check out my other stories, I promise they are much much better as this was written by a 14 yearold and i am older and wiser now.

I know its not very long, but in my defense it was alot longer in word.

I was reading over the story today and i feel that i have to appoligise for my horrible spelling.


its terrible.


Andy grabbed my wrist and yanked me upright into a sitting position. The coffin I was sitting in was on a table in the middle of a huge room. I looked around the room it was empty, the only window was right at the top of the wall. My heart sank as I took in the think bars and mesh covering the window. Reluctantly I turned my eyes back to Andy, within a second I realised why he was so familiar.

‘You’re Bane’s brother!’ I exclaimed.

His mud brown eyes sharpened, ‘yes’ he bit out angrily ‘Bane is my brother, fancy you remember that’ stepping away from the coffin he walked the front, I twisted to keep him in view, desperately scared of having him behind me. Then I saw him.


He was slumped against the wall, his hands shackled above his head. His face was covered in bruises and beneath the metal on his wrists I could see the dark red of scabs layering over the skin.

Andy grabbed a hold of Banes hair and pulled his head back, ‘the two of you will have plenty of time to get reacquainted’ the grin that crossed his face transformed him from a guy that I could almost pretend wasn’t going to ruin my life into a guy who looked like he could not only kill, but would look forward to it.

He looked at me for a moment longer and that grin got even wider, ‘Don’t miss me too much princess, I’ll be back soon’

I tried to hold back my revulsion until he’d walked out the door, but after that I just freaked.

Jumping from the coffin, I scrambled across the room as far away from the cursed thing as I could. When I was at the other side of the room I lent against the wall and just slid to the ground.

I was terrified. Deep bone-numbing terrified.

Burrowing my hands into my hair I held on tight and tried to calm my racing thoughts. I had to get out of here, somehow because if I didn’t god knows what’s going to happen.


‘We want to keep him in here for a few days longer’ the doctor was talking but I was only half listening. It had been a week. A week that Jody had been gone. A week that Haddiean had been in the hospital. And a week that Benji had been sleeping in the baby cot beside Haddieans bed.

Saras and Flands turned the corner at the end of the hall and approached where the doctor stood talking to me.

Immediately I turned to them and studied their faces ‘what have you found?’

‘Bane had a brother, Andrew. Were looking for him now to see if he knows where Bane is. We think that if we find him, we find Jody’


I handed Benji a rattle from the pile of toys in the Childrens Wing of the hospital.

I knew dad was talking to the cops, I could hear them behind me. So far they were getting nowhere.



They were talking about tracking Bane’s brother, but from what I remember of their relationship there was no way that bane would be with Drew. They hated each other the way that cats are meant to hate dogs.

Benji grinned at me and crawled over to the box of toys and dug in happily.

I heard footsteps behind me and glanced up at Saras.

He sat on the rainbow coloured mat beside me and we both studied Benji for a moment.

‘Any views?’ he asked finally.

I shrugged, ‘Bane and Drew hated each other, I don’t think that Bane will be with his brother’

Saras nodded, looking grim ‘I was afraid of that, why couldn’t he just be a nice guy?’

More footsteps and Benji squealed, Both me and Saras turned to look behind us.

I jumped up, Jodys friend J.J. Stood there hugging herself, tears making a track down her cheeks.

‘J.J. whats the matter?’ I asked grabbed her hands and giving them a squeeze.

She glanced up at me and then at Saras.

‘Bane’s brother? Andrew? I heard the cop lady and Kain talking about him’

I nodded again, giving her hand another squeeze, even though dread was starting to pool in my gut.

‘Well, when they were going out, He used to always follow them everywhere. Bane didn’t know but Jody always saw him’

Saras jumped up and was by my side in a moment, ‘What else? Did she ever talk to him?’

J.J. shook her head and wiped a hand over her cheek, ‘no, not that I know of, but it wasn’t Bane that was hitting her, it was Andrew’

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