Chapter Two - Awkward

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How are you thinking of it??? 

If that made sense. 



She's just seen Haddiean again after being away. And he dosn't know she had a baby. OHHHHHHH!:0 Shock horror!! 


Chapter Two - Awkward

We looked at each other for what seemed like ages.  

Then he smiled at me and picked up his hat, giving a little two finger wave 'Hey Jody'  

I waved back 'Haddiean' I smiled hesitantly.  

'Come on you two, move on' 

I glanced at Mrs Jay and nodded rather stiffly, Haddiean grabbed my hand and towed me towards the door. 

'H-hadddiean, why are you back?' I stuttered. 

He smiled at me, swiped my timetable from my hand and glanced at it.  

'I moved back at the start of the year, Dad didn't like the job' he said absently as we weaved through the crowd. It was just like old times. 

Haha I wish. 

Haddiean gripped my hand hard as we pushed into the door of what I assumed was our first class.  

I glanced at the sign on the wall, C block. Great, we have English. I sighed and left Haddiean tow me into the room and to a pair of seats up the back.  

I glanced over at Haddiean as we sat down, he was staring at me. This is just gunna go great, I remembered my conversation with Sera this morning. That's just an easy topic to broach, hey Haddiean, congrats, you have a kid that I didn't tell you about, well seeya later! 

I snorted, that's not gunna work.  

'how have you been?'  

I turned and looked at Haddiean, pasting a half genuine smile on my face, 'good' I ran my eyes over his face, he didn't look that much different to the boy I'd last seen, he still had that way of holding his head when he smiled at you, like he was now, tilted slightly down looking up at you with a crooked smile on his lips.  

His hair was longer than he'd ever worn it, it curled over his collar and into his eyes, but his eyes were still the same faded green, the life still jumping around in them as he looked at you. 

'What about you?'  

He just shrugged, 'better, my mum left'  

His mouth tilted down for a second, 'but its better with her gone'  

Without thinking, I leant over and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. 

He glanced up and flashed a quick grin before leaning down to pull his laptop from his bag. I pulled mine out and flipped it open. C'mon, don't give me any of your shit today. I begged, I wasn't in the mood for it.  

I swear this thing hates me, all the damned trouble it's given me in the past year and a half is enough to fill up a schools worth of problems. When it booted up without any trouble I gave a breath of relief, well thank god for that.  

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