Chapter Fifteen - Gone

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This Chapters For ForeverAndADay, she helped me with some ideas when i was stuck and fined down my own ideas, best friend ever. Love you ForeverAndADay. and all you other readers as well. 

I know you waited ages for this chapter, and here it is through all my technical diffuculties. i hope to put another chapter up soon, but i want 20 more votes guys thats 308 votes guys.  

i'm having some trouble with my internet, telstra is fucking up, we had 2GB left yesterday when both me and my brother got off and when we got back on today, we were 800MB over, and no one had been on. so.. i hope i can get it up. thats for waiting.


It didn't feel right, leaving them at home alone. But Flands and Saras said it would be good to give them some alone time.  

By the time we pulled into the driveway, I was so anxious it wasn't funny.  

I got out of the car and bounded up the steps. By the time I had the door unlocked and was running through it, Flands and Saras were just getting out of the car.  


The house was silent.  

'Haddiean!' I yelled, 'Jody!' I looked in the kitchen and it was empty. I dashed through the house, I could hear Flands and Saras calling out as well.  

I reached Haddieans room, and the names caught in my throat, there they were, in bed, asleep.  

I shushed the cops and crept into the room, looking down at them in the bed. They were smiling, I looked a little closer, whats that between them?  

Its Benji! I reached out and stroked his cheek, he made one of his incoherent baby sounds and snuggled closer to Jody.  

I looked over at Flands and Saras, 'Its Benji, He's back!'


They asked us a million questions, when did we find him, what were we doing, what happened after.  

I sorta didn't mind answering the questions. I sat on the couch, Jody on my lap, Benji in her arms. Cliché but who cares, maybe we like clichés?  

We were kept on lockdown, just for a few days to give them time to find the kiddnapper.  

I didn't particularly care, it was too keep us safe, but it sent Jody crazy. She was worried out of her mind about Bain, Sheid tried calling but he wasn't answering.  

'What if something happened to him?' she asked me.  

We were sitting on my bed, just about to go to bed.  

'How about we get Flands and Saras to go by and check on him? Just to make sure?'  

She nodded, but still unsure.


As we approached the house I got an uneasy feeling. The house was silent, quiet as. 

No cars were out the front and the windows were dark.  

Exchanging a worried glance with Kell, we walked up the front steps. 

Pulling out my weapon I pressed my shoulder to the wall beside the door. As Kell did the same, I listened carefully, but I heard no sound. Not good.  


We pushed open the door and walked inside, my heart sank. Tables were turned and papers were thrown across the floor. We walked through the house once to make sure that we were alone, then I looked over at Kell and sighed.  

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