Chapter Eighteen - Cookie

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Okay, its been a week, nothing bad or strange has happened, besides Haddiean keeping a diary.

He’s actually kinda embarrassed about it actually, its kinda cute.

He let me read it, just came up to me one day, pink in the cheeks and asked if I wanted to read it, like a little kid asks someone they’ve just met if they want to see the man they painted in finger paint class today.

I read it.

I almost cried, and it reminded me that tomorrow is his brother’s death day.

God I miss that kid.

I walked into the house and dumped Benji on Haddiean, ‘your turn, I am not pushing that swing again today.

He just grinned slyly, ‘but you looked so happy, weren’t you having fun?’

I scowled at him, ‘ just go push the damned swing Haddiean’

He did, they left laughing, Haddiean say something that sounded very much like “women, can’t live with them, can’t live without them”

I shook my head and pushed my hair back from my face, hmm cookies.

With the beloved Cookies in mind I went to the kitchen, as I passed through the lounge room, I saw Kain talking to the two cops. I heard the name Benji and Died, automatically putting two and two together I reluctantly passed on the cookie.

It’ll go straight to your ass anyway.. I told myself

You need it on your ass!! My mind screamed back at me as I headed over to the trio.

I could feel back of my mind yelling at me, “Cookies!! Do it for your Ass!!!”

Yeah right, I thought, if my ass needs it, then it’ll most likely go to my thighs.

Who cares!!!! Screamed my mind, it won’t kill ‘em!

I tried to ignore that fact that I was having a conversation with myself, but then the cookies joined in, If you really insist on forgoing me, I’ll make you a deal, eat me and I promise I’ll go to your knockers, that’s the place that you need em

Narrowing my eyes, glanced down at my chest, that is so not true!!! Stupid cookie.

I was almost ignoring them, what if I eat two?

As I approached the trio, finally; I was munching on a chocolate chip cookie, after already downing two.

‘what’s going on?’ I asked.

Cherry Flands looked at me and narrowed her eyes, if I could be bothered I would be worried about that look, but at the moment I’m enjoying my cookie, try me on a day that ends in L and I’ll care maybe then.

‘Where’d you get the cookie, it looks great!’

It seems my concern or lack thereof was wasted.

Ignoring Saras eye roll, I lead Flands into the kitchen and stuck my tongue out at the other cop.

Grabbing the cookie jar down, I offered her one, when she took three I grinned, ‘I like the way you think’

She flushed, ‘I probably shouldn’t, but they were talking to me’

I narrowed my eyes, ‘did they promise to go to your boobs? Thats what I bargained mine down to’

Flands laughed, and I joined in, ‘aren’t we sad’

And we started laughing again, ‘but by the way, whats wrong with your boobs? I would kill for your boobs’

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