Chapter Twenty One - Stolen

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So, the story is almost at an end. Check out my other stories, I promise they are much much better as this was written by a 14 yearold and i am older and wiser now.

Chapter 22

After J.J.’s revelation, the cops were running around like ants. Saras took off and left me standing with J.J. she lifted her eyes from the ground for a moment and glanced at me. Her eyes filled with tears ‘I’m sorry’ she sobbed dropping her face into her hands.

I stood there staring after her, then I scooped Benji up and took off towards where Saras was barking out orders.

‘I want to help!’ I told them.

Four pairs of eyes turned to me, I glared, standing my ground there was no way that I was backing down, not now not ever. Jody was my entire world, she’s my best friend, my girlfriend, the mother of my son and the light of my life. I would die without her. 

There is no way that they could change my mind.


I struggled against the person that held me. Kicking and screaming I almost tripped on the edge of the gown that I wore.

‘Let me go!’ I screeched, biting the hand that came around to hold my mouth shut.

The man swore and tossed me against the alter that stood a few feet in front of me.

Eyes wide, I stared up at the priest and Andy, who wore a tux with a flower in the pocket.

Scrambling back onto my knees I scampered backwards and attempted to get away. Andy came forward and scooped me up, tossing me over his shoulder and stepping back onto the platform.

Dropping me to my feet he nodded at the priest, who started to read out the Wedding service.


We piled into the cars and, with the lights flashing, sped off down the road. We’d found Andrew. He has a property out of town 20kms. If we pushed or feet on it then we could get there within 10 minutes. I was jumping with nerves, without Benji to distract me then I had too much time on my hands to think about whats going on.

Benji was with Jody’s parents and I fought the urge to call to check up on him. I closed my eyes, only to open them again when an image of Jody, bruised and sad when I’d first met her.

I sat up straighter in my seat and tried not the wince as red hot firecrackin’ pain shot up my side. I knew I wasn’t going to be much of a help to anyone but I had to see Jody, if I didn’t soon I was going to go crazy.

In less than no time we pulled into the driveway of a property that sported a large farm house and nothing else.

We all jumped out of the house. The cops spread out in some sort of arranged pattern and I limped behind Saras and Flands, who walked straight in the front door.

I walked in behind them and gaped at what I saw. Andrew was holding Jody right up against himself with an old man in robes standing opposite them on what looked like a raised platform.

Jody wore an ankle length dress in white it flowed down to her ankles, covering her arms from the shoulder to the wrist, her neckline was so high it was almost choking her.

As soon as I saw what the old dude was reading from I shrieked. It was a bible, he was marrying my girlfriend!

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