Chapter Fourteen - Recall

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Thanks you guys for voting, you all rock.. this chapter isn't as long as i would have liked, but i'll upload the next one early, i want another ten votes guys, i know you can do it!!! thats up to 285. 


(BTW incase you haven't figured out, the Drew guy is the stalker)

Things weren't going as I planned.  

My princess hand been out in days. I haven't seen her, and as far as I know she just lays there clinging to him. He was meant to leave, but he didn't, why didn't he leave? 

I looked down at Benji as he cooed, waving his arms in the direction of the house. He looked up at me and smiled, my heart warmed, it was the first time that he'd smiled at me.  

Then he threw up, all over my face.


Its been 3 days, three whole days since I've seen Benji. Jody hadn't let go of me since. I looked at her, her eyes were glued to the tv and she seemed like she was engrossed in the movie. I knew she wasn't, she hated this movie and had told me so many times.  

We were watching 'The Hills have eyes' I was sitting on the couch and Jody was laying with her head in my lap. The officers won't let us do anything, no leaving the house, no going outside and no involvement in the investigation.  

It sucks.  

The one thing that worries me the most though, is Jody, she still hasn't said anything.  

Bored with the movie I switched it off, Jody didn't even blink an eye. Sighing I grabbed her and hauled her to her feet, walking off into the kitchen, knowing she would follow barely a foot behind.  

As I grabbed stuff from the cupboards, I chatted, just about random things. Jody watched, she knew I couldn't cook, but she just stood and watched, a small smile on her lips. It was an improvement. She wasn't smiling yesterday. 

I grabbed a few things and threw them together hoping to make something edible. I heard Jody laugh and she came up behind me and gave me a hug, taking the pots from my hand.  

'Better not let you cook, you'll blow us up'  

I stared at her. 

She just moved around the kitchen as if nothing was out of place, moving pots and pans, inspecting the contents.  

She turned and caught me staring, glanced around and shrugged her shoulders, 'what?'  

What my ass, she's silent for 3 days and pipes up out of the blue and thinks its not going to cause some surprise?? 

She just laughed, and kissed me, 'go sit down, and for gods sake, don't ever try to cook again'


This kid was driving me wild.  

I quickly scampered through the trees and glanced around. The guard's were asleep, as I ordered, I could see movement in the kitchen, I knew that Kain was out with the cops, so it must be my Princess and Him. I glanced down at the little tyke I carried, he was asleep, good.  

I tried the window to His room, it was unlocked, lucky, I slid the window open and climbed through, laying the kid on the bed I gave his cheek a little slap to wake him up and jumped back out the window.  

That plan didn't work, I'll just have to get rid of Him the old fashioned way.  

Good ol' murder.


She made toasted sandwiches.  

They were beautiful, as Jody took the plates to rinse them in the sink a ducked my hand under the cold water and whipped it over her face.  


I laughed as she squealed and turned to me. She glared for a moment, then turned and grabbed a cup.  

'Oh no you don't!' I raced over and knocked the cup from her hand, it dropped into the sink and water spilled down the drain.  

Jody wriggled and I tripped over something and fell to the floor. We lay there laughing for a while, then quietened down. We just lay there grinning like idiots, looking up at the roof.  

Suddenly Jody jumped up, I didn't hear it for a second, but when I did I was right beside Jody as we ran through the house to my room.  

He was on the bed.  

Laying on his back, tiny arms pumping up and down, his mouth open wide as he screamed.  

Jody was beside the bed in a second, scooping his up and holding him to her face, kissing him all over. I grinned at them and crossed the room, hugging them both tight.  

Benji quietened almost instantly, grabbed Jody around the neck and held tight, he whimpered into her neck and gurgled something that sounded like, 'mammma' 

Jody looked at me and grinned, tears staining her eyes, 'we've got him, we've got him' 

'I know baby, he's home'


Thats more like it, she's smiling, but she's also kissing that.. that.. him. And she was a bit too into it.  

This is not over, you got your son back, yes. But this is not over.  

That kid, my god, he never stopped crying, always crying all the time. The only time he wasn't crying was when I was watching them, then he was as silent as a mouse, his eyes never leaving them.  

Son of a Bitch, thats what he was, takes after his father. There is no way that he will grow out of that. I'll have to leave him behind, I can't take him with if he'll just cry the whole time. Maybe I'll give him the chance, let Princess bring him when I rescue her. Kill the bastard, and if the kid gets on my nerves, kill him too.

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