Chapter Eight - Stubborn

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OOkay i know that the last chapter was a bit borring

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Even though he could hardly move, Haddiean insisted on going to school the next day. Men!! Stubborn as a mule, whatever that is.  

I took his keys while he was in the shower so he couldn't even contemplate driving.  

'Get your ass in and hurry up! You have 5 mins to get here or I'm gunna leave without you' 

6059585756555453525149... I counted down as fast as I could hoping that I could get to zero before he made it out the door.  

No luck there.  

He pulled the car door open and slid into the seat glaring at me and pouting, 'I wanna drive' 

I rolled my eyes, and forced a laugh, 'No way in hell'  

He slumped in the seat, and by the look he tried to cover on his face I guessed it hurt. He kept the position determinedly, pretending he was comfortable, then pushed upright.  

I glanced at him 'Hurt?'  

He glared at me again and looked out the window.  

I smiled, stubborn fool, he wont last the day.

I was right.

He made it to 3rd period, so points to him.  

All through first period, roll call he kept shifting in his seat trying ot get comfortable. After ignoring him all period and trying to get some sleep, which may I mention I DIDN'T GET because of him shifting in his set every five minutes.  

I dragged him to the staff toilets and practically shoved some painkillers down his throat, I only refrained because doing so would have hurt him even more and he would have taken the opportunity to complain and that I cannot take on so little sleep.  

We had Art now, so we walked over to G block, good thing we had 10 mins to get from class to class because we have to walk across the school. 

I nudged Haddiean's shoulder, being careful not to hurt him 'Think you're up to drawing?' I asked him, he loves to draw.  

For the first time today he smiled, 'Yeah, something I'm good at' he muttered.  

I sensed his dark mood and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and batted my eyelashes at him till he looked at me.  


I grinned, 'smile?' 

Haddiean raised his eyebrows at me and kept his mouth in a firm line. 

We walked into the art rooms and sat quietly as the teacher told us what we were doing for that lesson. After he'd given instructions he turned and walked out of the room saying over his shoulder we could sit outside if we want; those who do, write your names on the board, he would be back soon.  

Grabbing our bags we walked up to the board and Haddiean quickly scribbled our names in his semi-neat left handed script and we went and sat out on the grass. 

Draw a detailed picture of your dream place 

I tapped my pencil on my lip and glanced at Haddiean who was bent over his pad sketching furiously.  

Sometimes I envy him, he can draw heaps good.  

My dream place. 

What's my dream place? 

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