Chapter Sixteen - Genius

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Hey guys, i hope you read the message i sent you..:) 

i want 20 more votes for the next chapter thats 151 in total... thanks 

Read On!!

Everyone was silent the next morning. We all sat at the kitchen table quietly eating our food.  

I watched Kain as he ate, pretending that he wasn't watching Haddiean. Haddiean never noticed, he had his head bent over his bowl totally ignoring all of us. 

Not so normal after all. 

I glanced up at the clock and got up Benji would be up soon and he'll be hungry, grabbing a bottle I waited in the silent kitchen as it warmed then left to go feed Benji. He was awake when I walked in, and not alone, there was a woman with him standing in the middle of the room, holding him in her arms. 

I dropped the bottle and it hit the floor with a smash, warm milk flowing over my feet, and as Lurinda turned around, I screamed.


When I heard Jody scream I jumped from my chair and ran to my room. She was standing in the doorway, staring into the room, grabbing her waist I turned to see what had made her scream and almost did myself.  

My mother stood by Benji's cot, holding him lightly in her arms, when she saw me, she grinned. 'Hello Haddiean, so nice to see you again' 

I squeezed Jody tightly and took a step forward, onto the bottle that Jody must have dropped. I nearly swore, Jody looked down at my foot and I grimaced at the blood seeping from the sole. When I heard the sliding door open I looked up, in time to see my mothers back disappearing out the door.  

Jody let me go and ran after her, she was out the door in record time. I limped after her and saw her standing face to face with my mother.  

Lurinda grinned looked over at me and winked. Right before she let go of Benji, and in my head all I could see was him falling towards the ground.  


'what do you want Lurinda, haven't you down enough damage to this family?' 

My heart was beating twice as fast, I wasn't going to let her take Benji, he was my son, and with me he'll stay.  

I wasn't sure if Haddiean had followed me or not, and sure enough a few seconds after I thought that thought, I heard him at the doorway.  

Lurinda must have heard him as well, because she turned her head and grinned at him.  

'Not nearly enough'  

And she let go of Benji.


I was halfway down the steps when Jody caught him, he was screaming and clutching at her. Lurinda was walking away down to a car parked in the drive. I dashed back up the steps as fast as I could with dozens of shards of glass in my foot.  

Grabbing a pen from my desk I got back to the window in time to catch the number plate of her car. Sighing in relief, I scribbled the 6 digits onto my arm and limped my way down to where Jody was sitting on the ground, cooing to Benji as he wailed.  

I sat beside her and she sank back into me, 'I got him, I got him'  

Tears few flowing down her cheeks, and Benji was almost settled. 

I hugged them both and pressed my face into Jody's hair. He was okay. And Lurinda was never going to get close to my family again, no matter what.


As Kain talked to the two cops, who he'd called when he saw what was going on, I told Haddiean to sit on the couch and I got a pair of tweezers and began to pull the shards of glass from his feet.  

He winced every time and began muttering to Benji to distract himself. 'Women are Evil Benji. Totally evil' I yanked hard on a large shard of glass and had him backtracking in an instant.  

'but not your mumma Benji, she's the only women I would trust, she nice and loving and pretty'  

I grinned at him and he sat quietly as Benji talked back to him, in goo's and ga's Benji told his daddy about his morning, right from the first goo down to the last ga.  

I tuned into the conversation between Kain and the cops, 'we have no way of tracking her imeaditly, but we'll be right on it'  

Before Kain had a chance to blast them Haddiean turned to look at them, 'I got her number plate' he said.  

The room was quiet, except for Benji, who, realising he'd lost Haddiean's attention, grabbed a hunk of hair and pulled.  

As Haddiean turned back to Benji, Kain and Saras lent over the back of the couch, 'really?' 

He nodded, and showed them the writing on his arm. 

Flands squatted beside me, 'what are you doing?' 

I didn't look up, 'pulling glass out of his foot'  

She wrinkled her nose, 'why?'  

Deciding there wa no more glass in his foot, I wiped it with a wet cloth and looked up at her, ignoring Haddiean's wince.  

'Coz he stood on the glass bottle I dropped' on a sudden thought I looked up at Haddiean, 'by the way, watch out I dropped a glass bottle in your doorway' 

He smirked and stuck out his tongue, 'ya funny Jods, so funny'

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