Chapter Six - Addiction

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Okay, guys. Thanks for all the votes and comments and fans!!! Wow I never thought I'd get so many of any of them!! 

I will just warn you now, I like to do things that arn't expected or stereotypical, so if the stalker turns out to be someone other than what, uh Cough cough who you thought. Coz if your all batting for blue, then I'ma going for the maroons (yes a union comparison, I know, I don't go for either, AFL is better go Hawthorn!!!)

Here we go---------->>>>>>>>>>>

Chapter Six - Addiction


I know I should go to bed but I just couldn't, Jody was asleep beside me in the bed and I had Benji cradled in my arms. We'd made an agreement, every Thursday night, they'd stay at my place, and every Monday I'd stay at their place.  

I'd watched Jody feed Benji, it was so beautiful to see, she said she only feeds him herself at nights now, it used to be morning and night, but she's trying to get him onto the bottle.  

I lifted Benji up to my face and buried my nose in his hair. It was one in the morning and I've been sitting here with Jody sleeping beside me and holding Benji for nearly 4 hours. As he stirred and began to fuss I barely resisted waking Jody. When he'd woken 2 hours ago I'd practically jumped on her like a Lemming goes for a cliff. When her sleepy eyes had opened I'd just grinned at her like an idiot. And of course she'd just sighed, shook her head at me and called me a softie.  

After she'd showed me how to put him back to sleep, she'd curled up beside me again and fallen back to sleep.  

I grinned at Benji and bounced him like Jody'd shown me when he started to fret.  

'Hey baby, how are you' I crooned to him, yes crooned, all you guys who are reading this, if you laugh I'll tell your mother on you.

(Haha AN: "I bet your all wondering what I place like me is doing in a girl like this" lol Evy, The Mummy, I'm watching it, Again< and I couldn't resist adding it in, Hey! Stop laughing!!!)

I bounced him up infront of my face and pulled a face at him, he giggled and grabbed my nose. I glanced down to see if we were waking Jody up, but we seemed to be safe, at the moment I think she'd sleep through a hurricane. I laughed and poked Benji in the belly. I heard a creak and looked up at the doorway, Dad smiled at me tiredly, 'Get some sleep kiddo, you'll need it' he advised.  

Even though I knew he was right I shrugged and grinned sheepishly, 'Yeah, but look at him!'  

Benji had turned at the sound of Dads voice, and waved a hand when he realised he had the attention. Dad laughed and walked over to the bed, He ruffled my hair and I grinned stupidly at him. He raised his eyebrows when he saw Jody beside me, 'I should make her move, but what else can you do? We've already got this one' he gently touched Benji's fragile head, then he bent and kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair again, 'Love you kiddo'  

I smiled back at him 'Love you too Dad'


I watched at the doorway again and Haddiean lowered Benji and began to rock him, just like I'd seen Jody teaching him before.  

It was so cute to watch, to see them laughing and giggling together again like they always used to, they don't laugh enough. Though it was great to have Benji and all, occasionally I just wish they didn't have a kid so young so they could just enjoy their life.  

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