Chapter Thirteen - Broken

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I noticed that you guys arne't voting.. almost all of you fanned because of this story.. so you have to get up too 270 votes.. thats 7 more.. before i post the next chapter..  

keep commenting.. thats for reading.. love you guys. :)


(yes I can here you all cheering and one person in particular, yelling at the computer screen, your delusional Unloved, its just like the TV, he can't hear you)

Helpless, that's what they are, helpless. I have their child, and there's nothing that they can do about it. 

I looked down at the bundle in my arms, he's so tiny, so small. And now he's mine. Oh how tempting it was to kill that bastard right there and then, get him out of the picture once and for all and to have my Princess all to me at last. She could be free from him, she wouldn't have to do any housework, ever, and she would have the perfect life, and soon, many sons to love her as I love her.  

I can look past the dark curls, and the honey skin, as will his brothers when they arrive. Because from now on, Benji is my son, and not his.  

I lifted a hand and stroked his hair, crooing to him as he whimpered, 'yes baby, daddy's here' I looked back up to the house, still stroking my babys hair, 'and soon, so will mummy'


Hell, that's what it was, hell on earth. The devils gates have been opened and all the evil of hell unleashed right here into this room. It took us nearly an hour to calm Haddiean down, and right now he was sitting on the couch, in Kain's lap, with Jody laying stretched across the couch, her head in Haddiean's lap, asleep.  

Jody wouldn't go 2 feet away from Haddiean, and she still hasn't said a word in the last 4 ½ hours that we've been here. Kain was holding onto Haddiean just as tight, and Haddiean was just laying there, curled up in Kain's lap like a kitten, listening to what we were saying to the team of police that we had gathered around the living room.  

We hadn't found anything, not a strand of hair nor a speck of dust that didn't belong.  

That's what I hate the most about this job, the times when you're facing victims like this, and you can't do anything to help them except watch their misery.


He was quiet, the house was quiet, too quiet.  

There was nothing I could do, nothing except sit here, hold him and tell him it will all be okay.  

I know what he was going through, I know what it's like to have your child ripped away from you, and to not know where they are. 

And worse.  

To not get them back.


I opened my eyes and imeadiantly looked at the bed beside me, he was still there, laying beside me, his hand clamped in mine tightly.  

I relaxed and snuggled up against his side. Even asleep, he turned his head into my hair. 

Even though I knew he couldn't go anywhere, because, Duh! He's asleep! I held on tight anyway and rolled over, slipping an arm around his waist and laying my cheek on his chest. I may know he can't go anywhere, but I thought Benji couldn't go anywhere as well and look what happened, but if its in my power, I won't let Haddiean out of my sight. 

He's mine.


I don't think Jody realised it, but she's squeezing the life outta me. I lifted my free arm and stroked it over her hair, she relaxed a little bit, and I squirmed, loosening her grip a bit more, I sucked in a huge breath. Thank god, I can breathe again! 

I kissed her head 'morning beautiful' I whispered, hoping to get an answer.  


She hadn't said a word since the day before, and her last words were, get our baby back 

I closed my eyes... please, what have we done to deserve this?


They were awake, I know it. They just stayed in bed, huddled close together, pretending to sleep. And I just stood in the doorway watching them.  

Haddiean rolled onto his side and held Jody closer, no child should have to go through this.  

I don't know how long I stayed there, but at the knock on the door I turned and followed the voices into the loungeroom.  

The police were talking to someone I didn't recognise. He was around the same age as Denny and Jody.


(YES you are jumping from one to another today arnt you??? Lucky ducks) 

I was nervous as hell. The police officers were writing down everything I say, and Haddiean's dad was standing in the doorway, his arms folded and watching me.  

'okay Bain, how do you know Haddiean and Jody?'  

I returned my attention to the female police officer, 'I met Jody in year 7, we were going out before she met Haddiean' 

I caught the look that passed between the two officers. I was not a jealous ex. As hard as it may be to say, Jody was my only friend.  

The Man looked back to me, what was his name? Saras, thats it.  

'And what exactly are you here to tell us?'  

I sucked in a deep breath and sat down on the couch.  

'I just wanted to see if Benji was okay. But if you guys are here, then he's not'  

I ran my fingers through my hair, I can't tell them anything and I know their gunna ask.. I was already in enough trouble for warning Jody and Haddiean.  

If I said anymore. Drew will kill me, and I mean that literally. 

I knew they were gunna question me, be fore they could I waved a hand, 'I can't say anything, I really can't'


The poor kid was terrified.  

As the two coppers leant over him, he cringed back.  

'I can't say anything'  

Then in a lower voice, barely audible, 'He'll kill me if I do' 

And right then I didn't see a big, tough looking teenager, I saw the bruises, the fear and the pain in his face.  

Flands and Saras leant over him, firing questions, Bain look so terrified I took mercy and called out, 'Leave the kid, let back, he's scared'  

As soon as the cops attention was on me Bain threw me a greatful look and vaulted over the back of the couch, dashing out the door without looking back.

--- BTW sorry its so short.... this week all my teachers decided to give me homework.. damn..

Go to my profile and Check out my current story; Catch the Sunrise. Its about a girl who has to deal with the world and the people responsible, after the death of her twin brother. 

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