Chapter Eleven - Together

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i'm so sorry its small, but i had this littlle bit and i was on the computer, so i thought i'd add it


Sitting on the floor in Haddiean's room, I rocked Benji side to side as he gulped down the rest of his bottle. Opening one eye he reached up and grabbed my cheek, muttering around his bottle, 'mammmmmam' 

I smiled at him and glanced up at Haddiean, he was still sleeping. He was getting better, I was furious that someone had hurt him again, furious that I'd let them. 

Now that we'd told the police, they can do something about it. They can help.  

I closed my eyes and lent my head back against the wall, I'm so tired. Tired of this whole thing. I wish I could go back to the peaceful times before I moved back here, when I was doing distance ed and I didn't have to worry about things like this. The only thing I'd change is Haddiean. I'd have him there with me, through the pregnancy and everything else.  

I don't know how I survived those 10 months without him. I have no flaming idea.  

He's like my other half the yin to my yang and all that.  

I love him.


I watched Jody as she sat on the floor against the wall and fed Benji. He gulped happily at his bottle and sucked down the contents. Jody seemed zoned out, tired. Sick of his bottle, Benji knocked it out of his mouth, grabbing it from Jody's hand and tossing it away. Jody looked down at him tiredly, 'Ben-ji' she sighed. Benji just ignored her and pushed his face against her breast, pressing his open mouth against her and trying to suck.  

When Jody tried to pull him away he griped her shirt with a tight fist, and sucked desperately, I could hear his whimpers from here.  

Jody sighed again and tried to reach his bottle from where she was sitting, looking too tired to move. Benji whimpered again, not understanding, still trying to suckle through Jody's shirt.  

Tossing the blanket off I got up off the rocking chair and covered the few steps between the chair and where they were sitting, picking up the bottle on the way. 

Gently as I could, I pulled Benji back, he resisted, my how he resisted, but I got him back far enough to stick the teat of the bottle in his mouth, where he went back to drinking with a vengeance. 

Jody sighed and let her head fall back against the wall. I actually heard the clunk, I smiled and pulled her up, leaning back and standing up I took her over to the bed and laid her down, Benji threw his bottle away again and held his arms out to me. I grinned and picked him up, putting him at my shoulder as I walked over to his crib, rubbing his back.


As I watched Haddiean put Benji to bed I smiled, they are so great together. Looking back now, I'm glad that I ran into Haddiean that day at school.  

Benji loved the attention he was getting, it didn't matter to him that he was getting scolded. Haddiean was standing him up in the cot, telling him he was a bad boy for giving mummy trouble. I grinned, just you wait Haddiean, until he turns 2


Benji yawned, I'd worn him out. Good that was the plan, not that I didn't love the sound of his giggle. Laying him down on his stomach, I pulled the blanket up and ruffled his hair, 'Love you bubs' 

I turned back to the bed, Jody was propped up on one pillow, laying on her side, eyes half closed as she watched me. I walked over and got into the bed beside her. She rolled over sleepily and draped herself over me.  

'I'm so glad your okay Denny, I'm so glad your here, and I'm so glad your mine' she muttered.  

I smiled and my heart warmed inside. I hugged her close and pressed my face into her hair, and then I heard her last words and my heart beat picked up, 'I love you' 

I pulled back quickly and looked at her, her eyes were closed and she was practically asleep, again she muttered it, 'I love you so much'

Go to my profile and Check out my current story; Catch the Sunrise. Its about a girl who has to deal with the world and the people responsible, after the death of her twin brother. 

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