Chapter Four - Shock

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Put your story text here...Here we go guys.  

I'm open so any suggestions if you guys want some input, Thanks everyone whose commented and voted and Fanned. 


Hands in, heads back, and have fun!!!

Chapter Four - Shock


I pressed my face into Benji, he was so warm and loving, I couldn't live without him. I know it's wrong to be so upset, I mean, he only just found out, of course he's gunna be upset about not knowing. I would too if I was in his position. I just need to give him a few days, maybe a week to let it sink in. He was absolutely delighted when he'd held Benji, I could see it in his face.  

But then reality had came crashing down. Sometimes I wish I could just stuff reality in the pigeon hole and live life in a dream.  

But it doesn't work that way.  

Benji woke up a few seconds after we heard the door close and started fussing. I sniffed back my tears and wiped the wetness from my face.  

Damn him, 5 mins with him and Benji was already missing him. I rocked Benji from side to side.  

'Its okay, baby. Daddy will be back' I whispered.  

He has to be, he can't just walk away. 

Can he?


It was getting dark as I left Jodys. I kicked a stone, trying to ignore the empty feeling I had. I'd left 2 seconds ago and already I missed Benji.  

Of all the things in my life, I didn't imagine this happening. All the guys had said that she'd left a few weeks after I had. But I just assumed like everyone else that she didn't want to stay because of all the memories.  

I had so many questions, When had she found out she was pregnant? Before or after I'd left? 

I didn't even know how old Benji was, he was very small, so he can't have been very old.  

It hasn't even been a year since I'd last seen Jody I realised with a start. 10 months I think, so take about 6 or 7 months off that. 3 or 4 months, that's how old he is, if my maths was right, which I was sure it was, but math wasn't my strong suit.  

I rubbed my jaw with my hand, I knew she was lying when she told me why she hadn't told me about her being pregnant. There was some other reason, and I was gunna find out. She should have known it wouldn't have fooled me, I knew her inside and out. I loved her didn't I? 

I kicked my foot so that the dust rose up freely, I shoved my hands deep into my pockets as I walked.  

'What are you doing kiddo?' 

I jumped a mile high as I blinked my eyes and looked up at my dad, who was sitting on the porch.  

I sighed and dropped down on the steps of our old farm house, rubbing my hands through my hair.  

I heard the chair creak as dad got up and dropped down beside me. 

He leant close and slid his arm around my shoulder, hugging me to his side. Ever since my mother had left, we'd gotten close, he was my bestfriend.  

'What's wrong son?' he asked.  

Hmm, how to phrase? 'Do you remember Jody dad?' 

He nodded and laughed, 'Yeah, such a sweet girl. How are you two going?'  

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