Chapter Nine - Fear

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Well it turns out it could, much more boring.  

Benji was with Kain and my parents and I was stuck with a guy who's gunna be in bed all day. Talk about a spoil sport.  

I cleaned; then messed up again. I cleaned up again and messed up - wait for it- again. 

Haddiean woke up once, whimpering in pain, It took me 10 mins to get him calmed down enough for him to let go of me so I could get him a pain killer and some food. After he'd eaten I sat with him till the pain killer kicked in and he fell back to sleep, peacefully. 

Talk about my boring day. 

I was almost jumping off walls by the time Kain came by at 1:30 to get some clean cloths, I practically begged him to take me with him. 

No luck there. 

After Kain left I looked in on Haddiean and after deciding that he was gunna be asleep for a while I went back outside, pulled on my converse and set off for a walk. 

Geez that sounds corny. 

The Perry's have a small forest out the back of the house, me and Haddiean use to always walk out here.  

The trees were green the ground was muddy and I was hitting every pot hole in the vicinity. I'm beginning to think that this was a crap idea. 

I was just cursing myself and about to turn back when I heard the footfalls behind me.  

Listening carefully, I froze. There it was again, footsteps behind me.  

I almost turned and ran, then I remembered Haddiean, back at the house sleeping off the consequences of a short tussle with this guy. 

Well, if it was the same guy. 

My watched beeped 2 o'clock and brought me out of my thoughts. The footsteps had stopped.  

I kept still, listened hard, and heard nothing. Just as I was about to turn around someone put their hands over my eyes and kicked the back of my knees, I fell to the ground, my heart racing and my mind trying hard to keep pace. 

'you better be a good girl, Jody'  

I flinched at the rough voice in my ear, it was a whisper, barely audible but still vaguely familiar.  

Keeping as still as I could, I posted an image of Haddiean in my head, forcing myself to remember him this afternoon when he'd woken in bed in pain, clutching onto me as he whimpered.  

Keeping that image in my head I managed to stay calm and somehow refrained from putting my hands around his throat and throttling him.  

As cruel as the image was, it worked. My hands stayed by my side and I followed the asshole as he prodded me along the path.  

We were silent for a few minutes, just walking.  

'I do believe I mentioned that my broom had a date with your balls?' I asked sweetly, he grunted in surprise and I took the opportunity to continue 'well I'm sorry I don't have the broom but will this do?' 

I pulled my foot back and slammed it into his crutch, he doubled over slightly and I flicked my fist out and hit him on the solar plexus, making him double over even worse.  

I took off running, as quietly as I could; my feet flying with the adrenaline that was pumping through my veins.  

I heard him scream out behind me and I ran even faster, as I heard footsteps following behind me I swung myself up into one of the closest trees, after falling the first time, I managed to clamber up the second and stay clinging to one of the higher branches.  

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