Chapter Ten - Bruised Inside

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WHOOT WHOOT it is up!!!! 

ookay, if last week was the official 'tammy is accident prone and every turn she makes she will hirt herself' week than this week is 'lets fuck up tammys life and all technology will run for cover' week, i just sent my phone off with optus to get repaired and wont get it back for a few weeks i thought, okay thats fine ill just use my old phone, but nooo it had other ideas, it is blocked and theres is no, abosoulutly NO way of unblocking it. so i am without a moblie for 3 weeks FUCK MY LIFE ROYALLY!!!!


Haddiean was waking up, wow that was fast, he wasn't out long, 5 maybe 10 minutes.  

His eyes fluttered and I shook him. He was a bit groggy from what ever the hell that asshat he put in him. I kissed him until he woke properly, then he saw the blood.  

It was oozing from my side steadily and hurt like a bitch.  




And that's how I ended up sitting in the very uncomfortable visitors chair at the police station. 

When he was hurt worse than I am, did I go to the police? Nooo! He said it didn't matter and that he was fine.  

Fine my ASS! 

The police officer was talking to Haddiean whilst I was sitting slumped in the visitors chair determinedly ignoring them. 

When Haddiean told them about the fight he had with the "Stalker" as they were calling him. They asked why we didn't come then.  

'We thought it was a robbery' he said. 

The police officer nodded, 'and how did you know its not?' he asked.  

Growing angry as he remembered, Haddiean told them about what had happened today. 

The police officers face grew just as angry as Haddiean's, he looked at me, 'He touched you?'  

I nodded. 

He glanced at Haddiean then back at me, 'can I see what he did?' 

I shook my head and hugged my stomach.  

The police officer sighed, 'I won't hurt you' he said.  

I just ignored him and hugged my stomach tighter even though it hurt.


What's wrong with her? 

Her eyes were wide as dinner plates and she was squeezing herself so tight it was a wonder she didn't break in two.  

The police officer was leaning over her, very close. She shook her head and looked over at me. I was shocked to see the terror in her eyes. I glanced at the officer, he was sitting back in his heels looking confused, he met my eyes and I shrugged. Getting up I walked over to Jody, as soon as I got within reaching distance she grabbed me and latched on. She was squeezing my neck so tight I could hardly breathe.  

'Jody hunny, can you loosen your grip?' at first I thought she hadn't heard, but then her arms loosened and she pressed her face into my throat.  

I looked up at the officer and he smiled at me, the soft look in his eyes put me off balance for a moment but then I smiled back, 'is it okay if we come back?' 

He nodded and his partner, who had been sitting back at the desk silently got up and paused beside her partner.  

'can I talk to her for a second?' she asked.  

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