Chapter Seven - Nerves

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Ookay I decided to pick up straight from where it left off, not a few hours in the future like I originally planned, Enjoy.

Chapter Seven - Nerves


I gripped Benji tight and we both cried as Kain took Haddiean back into the house. Benji somehow knew something was wrong, he gripped my neck tightly with one arm and reached out for Haddiean with the other, I pressed my face into his neck and tried to calm down. Kain was leaning over Haddiean where he'd laid him down on the couch. 

'He should be okay, lucky thing he knows how to fight' Kain said as he opened the first aid kit. I sighed and peeked out around Benji's curls.  

Haddiean was stretched out on the couch his face turned away into the fabric, Kain was kneeling beside him working his shirt off while trying not to hurt him.  

I winced at the bruises spreading across his ribs it must hurt like a bitch. As I saw the blood seeping from various cuts I turned my face back into Benji's neck.  

After a few seconds I heard a groan and glanced up, Haddiean squirmed away from Kain's hands and clumsily swiped a hand out at him, pressing his face into the couch harder.  

'Shh, Haddiean, stay still son' I could hear the pain in Kain's voice, I knew that they were close, he must be just as upset as me.  

His hands were shaking badly, I knelt beside him.  

'Here, Take Benji, I'll do this' 

Kain hesitated for a moment then turned and took Benji. As we swapped places I scanned my eyes over Haddiean.  

'Oookay, Den, you listen to me' I began and Haddiean's head moved a bit from side to side and I heard him faintly moan no no no 

'He's only semi conscious' Kain muttered, focusing on Benji and blinking back tears. 

I grabbed a wet cloth and wiped away the blood from the cuts on his arm and the small cut on his face. He flinced back and pressed even further into the couch. I grabbed his face firmly and turned it too face me.  

'You listen to me now Haddiean Benjamin Perry, I am going to get all this blood off you and patch you up weather you like it or not' I growled at him. He whimpered as I gripped his chin and tried to pull him back.  

'no no no' he muttered, suddenly thrashing his head from side to side so violently that I lost my grip.  

When he calmed down and stopped thrashing I gently turned his head so it faced me. His eyes were closed, they were darting around behind the closed lids.  

I wet the cloth again and wiped it over his face even though it was blood free.  

After putting bandaids on the minor cuts and taping up the more major ones, I moved down to his ribs, they had dark bruises spreading up and down his left side. As soon as I touched the cloth to them he moaned in pain and arched his back up a little bit.  

I swiped the cloth over his head, 'Shh, Den, almost done' 

Finding the bandage from the first aid kit I turned to Kain, 'we need to sit him up' 

Kain nodded and laid Benji on the other couch to sleep, then came over to me and we sat Haddiean up. I quickly bandaged his ribs, winding the white bandage around and around his chest, the white contrasting violently with the tan colour of his skin. 

Kain helped me move him to his room and we put Benji's cot into Kain's room for the night.  

I settled beside Haddiean's bed at his desk and started on the homework we were meant to have done earlier, but never got around to.  

I was just finishing when he woke. 

He groaned and went to roll over and yelped when it hurt. Knowing his stupidity when he first wakes I went and held him down as he blinked sleepily.  

'Jody?' he closed his eyes again and tried to sit up, 'Dammit Jode, it hurts'  

I smiled and grabbed the bottle of panadol off the desk and shook two out, I handed them to him and went to get some water, be Haddiean just dry swallowed them. 

I sat back down beside him as he lay down on his good side and curled up, as he closed his eyes and stroked his hair, a thought floated into my mind. 

This was so familiar, how many times have I bandaged him up and done our homework at his desk whilst he slept. Then giving him painkillers and sitting with him whilst he went back to sleep? 

Lots, was the answer. 

Haddiean's mother didn't care if I was in the house when she hit him. Didn't care that she was hurting her son. And I betcha the only reason she let me bandage him up was so that she could hit him again.  

At least this time, sitting here with him curled around me like a cat, it wasn't his, mother that had hurt him. I'm not sure if that's better or not though.  

I stroked his hair back and he crept a bit closer, peeking at me from under his lashes.  

'Will... you.. stay here with me? For a few nights?' he whispered nervously. 

I smiled at him, kissed him lightly, 'Yes baby, I'll stay' 

He relaxed for a second, then tensed again, fighting to keep his heavy eyes open as he looked around, 'Where's Benji?'  

Smiling again at the worry in his voice I kissed him again, 'With your dad, go back to sleep baby' 

Relaxing again, he curled closer and slid an arm around my waist, finally closing his eyes and going back to sleep.

Sorry its so short. But I hope the content made up for it.  





Tammy xoxo

Go to my profile and Check out my current story; Catch the Sunrise. Its about a girl who has to deal with the world and the people responsible, after the death of her twin brother. 

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