Chapter Three - Introductions

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Well here I am again.  

Read onnn----->  


J.J. has gone to her house to finally meet Benji, she is the only one of of Jodys mates who knows about Benji, including Haddiean ohhhh shock horror!! 

Lol watching The Mummy again, awesome movie!!! It must be the 9th time in the last week eh Unloved? 

Sorry rambling.

And away we go

Chapter Three - Introductions


I hummed as I walk from the bus stop back home. It had been a long day at school today. It was really awkward with Haddiean, every time I looked at him I thought of Benji. I knew I should have told him by now, as Sera keeps reminding me, and which I choose to keep ignoring. I have enough problems, I don't need them thrown in my face, if I let them go, they'll roam free and sort themselves out.  

I raced up the last few steps and threw open the door, tossing my bag down. I could hear Sera talking to Benji, I peeked into the nursery they were laying on the floor, batting at the stuffed animals hanging above him.  

I smiled and backed out, darting into my room to change out of my school uniform. I was making Benji his bottle, he's half and half, gets bottles during the day, when the doorbell rang. Mum and dad weren't home, so I went to answer the door. And got a shock.  

I almost dropped the bottle in my hand as I stared at Haddiean.  

'H-h-h-addiean, what are you doing here?' I stuttered, I could hear Benji and Sera faintly laughing in the background, or well Sera laughing and Benji gurgling and cooeing. 

'I- I wanted to see you' Haddiean said, stumbling over the words.  

We fell silent, my mind was racing, what the hell am I going to do?????? 

Haddiean dropped his gaze, and then he frowned, 'Why have you got a bottle?' he asked.  

I glanced down and panicked, 'I... uh.... well you see....' 

I was lost for words. Haddiean frowned at me again, his eyes confused 'Jode?'  

I gripped the bottle tight to my chest 'you'd better come in'  

Stepping back from the door I motioned him inside.  

He stood in the lounge room looking lost, twirling his phone around in his fingers like he did when he was nervous.  

I held and unsteady hand out to him, 'uhh.. wait.. wait here a sec, will ya?' I waited for his nod and then turned and raced out of the room. Dashing into the nursery I waved frantic hands at Sera, 'shoo, shoo, you have to leave'  

She looked at me confused 'Jody, when did you get home?' she asked.  

I waved her out, 'Go, Go, I .. uh I ... will explain later' she stood up and raised her eyebrows at me but stood up and left, I heard her saying something to Haddiean then the door closing.  

I sucked in a deep breath and bent over, picking Benji up and gently pressing the bottle between his lips.  

'Ookay, Benji, here we go. Daddy's here, well he doesn't know it but huh huh' I laughed nervously 'I gotta tell him about you, lets see what happens ey? Now don't get excited He--' 

'Jody?' I heard Haddiean ask from right behind me and I spun around, clutching Benji tightly as he suckled on his bottle happily. 

'What did you mean?' Haddiean asked slowly. 

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