Numb Memories

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here we go again... haha.

warning smut in this chapter.

~Hunter xx.


"Louis, you gotta catch me first!" Harry yelled as Louis just wanted a kiss and Harry decided to play around and started to run. He wanted to have some fun, but Louis was pouting as he watched Harry run away.

"Harry, you know I can't run as fast as you."

Harry stopped about 300 yards away from Louis with a smile. "So, run to me and then you get a kiss as a reward."

Louis rolled his eyes and ran up to Harry who caught him, placing a kiss to his lips.

"See, I'm a man of my word." Harry smiled against his lips, making Louis chuckle. Harry let down Louis after a few minutes, his eyes not leaving the shorter man's. "I can't wait for next month, we'll be officially together forever."

Louis smiled, "I can't wait to be Mr. Louis Styles. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Of course baby, you'll be attached to me forever."

"That' just sounded like you own me."

Harry smirked and gripped his ass. "Well, now one dominates your ass like I do."

Louis blushed, slapping Harry in the chest. "Not in public you idiot, you know how I get."

Harry's smirk didn't leave his face, he leaned down to Louis' ear. "Maybe when we get home, I can show you just how much I do." And Harry couldn't even blink before Louis was pulling him to the car.

They didn't make it home.


"Baby, can we finally start trying to have a baby? I mean we literally got a married a few hours ago. Please?" Louis asked as he straddled Harry's bare hips. They arrived at their honeymoon destination in Italy and they decided to shower away the smell of the plane, and now Louis was really horny.

Harry placed his hands on Louis' waist, smirking up at him. "Really? Why don't we do just that and then we order room service. The first night of our honeymoon is spending it together."

Louis' eyes darkened as he moved down on the bed until he was eye level with Harry's hardening cock. "Oh, looks like your friend is ready to come out and play."

"Would you knock it off with that."

Louis pouted and just started to suck Harry off just the way that he liked. He cupped his balls as he hollowed out his cheeks, taking him down further until his nose was pressed against the small patch of pubic hair Harry had. Harry's hips bucked up with his cock hit the back of Louis' throat, expecting to hear Louis gag, he was surprised when he just saw Louis continue on sucking him down.

"Ohh baby, you and and your filthy mouth."

Louis hummd around his cock, bobbing his head up and down getting Harry's cock lubed up with his saliva. Just as he felt Harry's balls tightened, he was lifted from his cock and placed above Harry's mouth.

"Ride my face baby, I'm going to open you up with my tongue. You're going to make as much noise as you want, but if we get complaints that's all on you." Harry teased before he pulled Louis' hips down and started to lick around his hole.

"Fuck, Harry." Louis started to grind his hole against Harry's tongue once he entered it inside of him. Louis gripped the headboard as his thighs started to shake from the feeling of being stretched from just his tongue. Louis had to lift himself off of Harry's tongue or he would have came from just him prodding his prostate with the fingers he had added alongside his tongue.

Harry moved Louis to lay on his back as he hovered over him. "Ready baby?"

Louis looked up at him, biting his lip as he spread his legs. "Give it to me...hard."

Harry groaned as he pushed himself into Louis, groaning at the tightness of his entrance. He was completely inside of him until he started to thrust into him quickly.

"Ha-harry!" Louis moaned as he started to meet his thrusts, already loving the feeling of Harry's cock stretching him open.

"Fuck baby boy, taking my cock so well."

"Your cock feels so good, Harry. Please, harder!"

Harry gripped his hips harder as he thrusted into him so fast that the headboard started to hit the wall.

"You are going to be the reason that we get a complaint if you keep this up," Louis managed to get out as he was moaning in between almost every word.

Harry couldn't help but to roll his eyes as he slowed down a bit only to stop and then move over to the couch in the room. "There, now I can move faster."

And he did just that. Harry and Louis came within minutes of each other, ending wIth Harry licking Louis' cum off his chest.


Louis broke down into tears as he looked at the seventh pregnancy test that he's taken in the past two months, and still nothing. "I don't understand, we're always having sex. Why haven't I gotten pregnant yet?"

Harry wrapped his arms around Louis, kissing his shoulder. "We've only been officially trying for two months baby, we need to give it some time. Why don't we relax for the rest of the week and start fresh? Besides your cycle is near, so there won't be anything during those three days."

Louis sighed. "I know. But, yeah, why don't we just wait until after? I usually ovulate around the second day after it ends. We can try then?"

Harry nodded and kissed his cheek. "Sounds perfect."


"Lou, baby. The doctors said the babies are growing so well. They are kicking up a storm every time they hear my voice. I really wish that you could be awake to experience this with us. I love you so much baby, please pull through." Harry kissed his knuckles, keeping their hands intertwined.

"Please Louis, we'll be here for you no matter what," Liam added in, kissing Louis' forehead before him and Zayn said their goodbyes and went to get their daughter.

Jay and Dan left to grab some food, Niall was asleep in the corner. So it was just Harry speaking to him.

"Remember baby, no matter what don't give up. You've got this baby. I've got you, I won't let you down."


Louis frowned, he really wanted to believe Harry, but from all the lies he told him he was having a hard time to believe him.

Once again, the light that Louis saw through his eyes turned into darkness. Louis' feeling his body convulse once again. The cries, the screams around him as he tried to wake up.

But he couldn't, he wanted to but, his eyes were so heavy and his body was numb.

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