Harry Messed Up.

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a/n: Sorry for the wait... and that it's short. I hope to have updates to come quicker, but no promises.

-Hunter xx.


Harry sighed as he watched Louis and Niall from his car, he frowned when he watched Louis rub his tiny baby bump. The bump that carried his own children, "Why didn't I just wait?," he thought quietly to himself. He messed up big time and he doesn't know he will be able to fix it.

Or if he can even fix it.

He started his car and drove to his mother's house, she basically called him when she found out what he did and demanded he come to talk to her. He wasn't in the mood to get yelled at, but as well not to get yelled at from not showing up.

As soon as Harry walked into the door his mother was livid and started yelling. All Harry could do was take everything that she said with a heavy heart, because she was right and he was wrong. For once Harry didn't have the energy to argue back, he just sat on the couch and let his mother yell at him. She never called him names, but just told him how stupid he was for filing the divorce.

Harry sighed, "Mum, I know what I did was wrong and I want to fix it. Don't you think that Louis is being a bit stubborn too?"

Anne couldn't help but laugh, "I actually think that Louis is doing the right thing in this situation to be honest. You broke his heart and he's doing what he thinks is right. He's doing what you wanted in the first place. Do you honestly think that anyone in his position should just drop the divorce?"

Harry shook his head, "No."

"Then you will need to go through with the whole process, the judge will realize that you two will need to sort out your differences with counseling or whatever."

"I know, that's what Dan told us in the meeting before Louis stormed out."

"Why did Louis storm out?"

"I found out today that he's pregnant, pregnant with triplets," Harry spoke, letting out a heavy breath.

Anne paused, "Triplets? I'm going to be a grandma?"

Harry nodded, "I'm pretty sure he'll include you even if he's mad at me."

"Honey, everyone is mad at you. I'm your mother, I'm mad because you made the wrong decision on impulse."

"I know, I know.  I did make the wrong decision, but in that time I thought that it was necessary."

Anne groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose, "Baby, that is never a necessary decision to make. Just because he couldn't get pregnant fast enough doesn't mean that you give up, you keep trying and then use alternative options."

"Some of the options are so expensive, and is it so selfish to say that I wanted children with my own blood?"

"Honey, Louis has multiple sisters that would have stepped in to help you guys if you needed."

"I wasn't thinking, I never think when I'm so frustrated with life."

"There's your problem then," She casually spoke, hoping Harry got the idea of what she was trying to say.

"What is?"

"Take a moment and think about things before you make a decision and ruin your chances."

And Harry knew that his mother was right, he just hoped that everything will go back to before he decided to divorce Louis. If only he had a time machine or the time turner that Hermione had in Harry potter. He could go back and tell himself that what he was about to do wasn't the right thing to do. But, what's done is done and he can't go back and redo it.

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