Show Me You Love Me

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So I honestly think that the next chapter will actually be the last one...I feel like this story has come to an end....BUT I am finally announcing that the new book is called.... "All Your Gorgeous Colors" and it will be up shortly after I finish this. It will be a short story, maybe like 10 or so chapters and I'm so excited!

Without further ado... here is the next chapter and well -- enjoy all the smut!!!!


So it was set, Anne and Jay would take the kids for the weekend while the two men had some time alone. They came early in the morning, Louis had pumped enough breast milk and even gave them some extra formula just in case. He had them on a set schedule to eat, but you can never be too prepared, especially with Elliot who ate the most out of their siblings. Nate needed to eat more, but he never was as hungry as his siblings, but he was still growing as he should for an almost 3 month old baby.

Anyways, Niall was a bit nervous, he was not a virgin but this would be his first time with a man. Especially a man he was head over heels in love with. He needed to make sure the day was perfect, he had a whole day planned out and he wanted it to just as planned.

The first part of the day began with Niall making Louis breakfast in bed, the man didn't expect that, but gladly accepted and thanked him with a kiss. They ended up taking a nice sensual shower, leaving soft kisses against each other's lips, but it never led to more than just that.

Niall told Louis to pick out a pair of casual clothes as they were only going to the drive-in movie theater. The movie that was playing that night was Back to the Future. It was an older movie, but still a good one to watch.

Niall prepared some food so they wouldn't have to spend money on the overpriced snacks that they always sold at these places. It was going to be perfect and he couldn't wait to spoil him when they got home later.

About half way through the movie Louis had moved to Niall's lap and the movie was soon forgotten as they were too distracted by kissing each other. Niall licked at the bottom of Louis' lip and he allowed him to slip his tongue in.

The deep kiss they started soon turned into a heated one that if they wouldn't stop they'd put on quite the show for the people around them.

Louis let out a low moan when Niall detached his lips and started sucking on the indent at the base of Louis' neck. "Niall..." he moaned quietly, the man underneath him could feel the arousal that was radiating off of him. He knew Louis was horny as he hasn't gotten off since way before the babies were born, he refused to do anything until he was 100 percent sure he was safe. Plus, he didn't allow Harry to sleep with him when he was pregnant.

Niall smiled against his neck, he always was thrilled to feel the effect that he had on his boyfriend.

Boyfriend, he loved the sound of that.

"Niall, I think we need to leave," Louis spoke into his neck as he started to work his hips in slow circles, he finally felt the arousal that was coming from Niall. Niall's hard erection was pressed against Louis' thigh and he wanted so bad to take it out and suck him off right there. Louis let out a low moan when he felt his cock press against his hole through his jeans. He had to stop his movements before he would make a mess in his pants, but he grew harder thinking about it.

Niall couldn't help but stifle out a moan as he held onto Louis to stop his movements. "If you keep that up I will come in my pants and then it will ruin later."

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