You & I

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                             you go! Final chapter, hope you enjoy!


The two men kind of fell into a routine ever since they really made their relationship official. It was a good feeling that they were able to call each other boyfriends when they spoke about the other.

Niall smiled when he felt his beautiful boyfriend stir in the bed next to him. He leaned over to meet his lips in a soft kiss. "Good morning honey, how are you feeling?"

Louis sighed, he looked exhausted and Niall felt so bad for him. He was up half the night throwing up, he couldn't keep anything down. He knew he wasn't pregnant, he ruled that out when he had gone to the doctor and they took blood and it came back negative.

Louis was a little gutted to hear that he wasn't, but also relieved because he was definitely not ready for more children, not just yet. They were finally getting into the swing of things and Louis was finally able to go back to work, they had plenty of people to watch the babies.

Even Niall's brother and sister-in-law would take the babies when needed, seeing as they wouldn't be able to have kids, it was the next best thing.

Louis smiled when he walked into the classroom on his first day of work, he wasn't the job he was doing before he got pregnant, but he was doing something he loved. He had sent in his resume and application to a small preschool, they instantly hired him. Which would also be good because once the kids were old enough he'd be able to enroll them at the school.

He managed to get everything set up and now he had to wait until the kids came into his classroom.

The rest of the day went by smoothly and he was so happy that he was finally going to be bringing in some money for his family. The only downside was he was so tired when he got home, it was just going to be a bit until he's used to his new schedule.

Niall was already home and tending to the babies when Louis walked into the door. "Hey baby, how was your day?" He smiled at his boyfriend, he made sure the babies were all set before he walked over to him and kissed him lovingly.

"It was good, actually really exciting to be able to do what I love."

Niall wrapped his arms around his waist which made Louis put his arms around his neck. "You know, the babies should be down for a few hours, you know what that means?" He smirked trailing kisses up and down his neck. Ever since that one night it was a constant thing for them to have some sort of sex every night, unless they both fell asleep or the other didn't feel good. Just the other day Louis fell asleep just as Niall was trying to work him up to an erection, he was a little bummed out that he had to get off in the shower, but he wasn't mad at all.

Louis let out a soft moan, "If I let you do whatever to me can we take a nap after?"

Niall nodded against his neck, "Of course. Now what did you have in mind?"

Louis just gave him a smirk and that's all it took for Niall to fuck him up against the wall in the shower. They both needed to shower and they figured this would make it the better option.

Niall thrusted into him so hard Louis was seeing stars, it felt so fucking good just how easily he took Niall. Most nights it was Niall fucking Louis, but there were some others where Niall was feeling extra needy and Louis took over.

Niall brought his lips to Louis and kissed him rough. "Fuck, baby."

Louis threw his head back and groaned loud when Niall finally targeted the bundle of nerves. "Please, faster."

"Baby I can't, I'd have to finish you off in the tub."

Louis reached down and started to tug at his cock, he needed more. He needed Niall to just do whatever.

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