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Ever since Louis has been in the current situation he is in, he's never alone. Liam and Zayn have been staying with him whenever they can, while Niall just comes when he wants, sometimes in the middle of the night. Louis doesn't care because Niall comes into the guest room and cuddles with him, he doesn't mind because he's missed the comfort of sleeping next to someone for so long.

Sometimes Niall would be gone when he woke up, other times he would be in the kitchen cooking up breakfast, but Louis never complains. He's happy to have the friends that he has.

It was almost like clockwork, three weeks after Harry left him, he started getting sick. He would get nauseous whenever he smelt eggs or melted cheese, it was really random and he didn't know what might be the problem. Niall wouldn't comment on it, and he would just stop making the things that got him sick and make something else.

Louis would try to hid him throwing up from him, but it never worked, there was always a hand rubbing his back to sooth him. Even if it was three in the morning, there he was. Since he started getting sick, Niall would stay over more, saying that he could care less about what Harry thinks because he'd rather be with Louis.

After about a week and a half, and Niall frowning as Louis ran to the toilet to empty the contents of his stomach, for the fifth time the past hour. It was four am, and Louis has been getting sick non stop, he can't even keep the water down without throwing it up. He finally gets up and sees Louis hunched over the toilet, sickly pale and shaking.

"Lou, I have to bring you to the emergency, I think you're a bit dehydrated. You can't keep anything down, I'll help you change into something and I'll pack you a few things. Alright?"

Louis just nodded as he dry heaved into the toilet, he tried to get up off the floor, but he was too dizzy. He clutched his head before he rasped out a loud, "Niall, I can't get up without falling over."

Niall was quick to come to him and help him off the floor to wash his hands and brush his teeth. Niall walked him to the bed and helped him put on his joggers, shoes and a jumper. He packed a few necessities for Louis, and he picked him up as he walked him to his car. He started the car and pressed some buttons on his dash and he called Lou's mother, who is always awake this early.

"Niall? You never call me this early, unless something is wrong? Is it Louis? Is he okay?"

"Mumma Jay, he's alright. He's severely dehydrated, can't even keep down water. He's been getting sick for the past week and we think he had some stomach bug, but no he can't eat or drink without getting sick. I'm bringing him to the emergency room, they'll know what to do."

Niall heard her sigh in the phone, "Tell them to run a blood test."

"What, why?"

"Trust me, I'll be there once in a bit with Dan."

"Alright, I'll see you then." Niall got turned off the phone, looking over at Louis for a second when he reached a green light to see him curled up into a ball fast asleep on the chair, clutching a bucket just in case he were to throw up again.

Niall dialed Liam's number and he went over the same thing as he did with Jay, and he told him that they'll be there after he gets all his tests done, but they will be there. Niall pulled into the emergency room, which was oddly quiet and he quickly went inside to tell the nurse what was happening and she was quick to grab a wheelchair and followed Niall to get Louis. Niall got Louis into the chair, and right then he dry heaved again into the bucket, groaning as it was starting to hurt his throat from how much he's thrown up in the past few hours.

They were quick to admit him and put him on IV fluids so that he can feel better, Niall told the nurse that his mother wanted her to do a blood test. He told her that she didn't tell him why, but the nurse nodded and said that they were already going to do that because they had an idea of what might be happening.

Niall nodded as the nurse left to get the kit to take the blood. Niall finally got a good look at Louis and he looked so drained, it was as if someone sucked the life out of him.

The nurse came in a bit later and took the blood from Louis, "The test results should be back in an hour, maybe quicker since we're a bit quiet tonight, but who knows what could happen. He'll be on the IV for a few hours until the doctor deems him okay to leave, which he'll be in once the tests come back to see what's the problem.

"Thank you so much," Niall spoke as she cleaned up her mess and she left with a smile.

Niall sighed as he collapsed on the the chair by the window, rubbing his hands over his face and he leaned back to close his eyes only to be interrupted with Jay and Dan walked into the room. Jay sighed as he went over to kiss Louis' forehead.

"The blood test will be back in about an hour or sooner, and that's when the doctor should be coming in as well."

Jay nodded, "So, my assumption could be true."

"What assumption?"

"You'll see, it will all make sense." They actually only had to wait twenty minutes, and by that time Louis had woken up, feeling much better than before.

The doctor walked into the room, with the results in his hand, "Hello, I'm Dr. Bryan, and I have what has caused this sudden onset of dehydration. And no it was not a stomach bug, but it does involve the stomach area, per say."

Louis cocked an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Well, congratulations Mr. Styles, you're pregnant."

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