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"Louis, you have to be a bit more reasonable," Niall spoke to Louis as he had made up his mind about still going through the divorce.

"What? He wanted a divorce, and he's getting one. Just because I'm having his triplets doesn't give him the right to be with me. I'm not about to drop everything and think it's alright, it's not. He fucking left me, he left me." Louis put his hands over his face as he started crying.

Niall sighed and got on to the bed and took Louis into his arms, "Love, you need to calm down."

Louis shook his head in Niall's chest, "Why did he have to do this to me? Fucking asshole."

Niall chuckled, "In his defense, he didn't know that you were pregnant."

"Don't make me hit you," Louis mumbled as his crying slowed down.

"I know you may not want to hear this, but it's true. Harry is an asshole, I'll agree to that, but he didn't know you were pregnant. You need to cut him some slack."

"No, no. He doesn't deserve it, he needs to realize what he left. He's not coming back into my life that easy. I know I said that I won't let him near the children, but that's really mean even if he did break my heart, they are still his."

Niall nodded, "Exactly, and you don't have to let him back in that easily. He needs to earn it back, earn your trust."

Louis nodded, "I have the perfect plan."

"If it involves us faking anything, that will be a big fat no."

"But-" "No, not going to happen. You and I both know that us trying to be something will be so obvious."

Louis sighed, "You're right, I'm sorry for even thinking that."

Niall chuckled, "It's okay, no worries."

Louis sighed and laid back on the bed, "Why can't my life be easier?"

"I wish I knew, but if it was easier, would it be worth living?"

"Well, just look at it this way, if you have an easy life then you won't have to worry about people dying or deceiving you. It would be the perfect life."

"Not necessarily, I sort of like having hard situations thrown at me. It makes me learn from them and know what I can do later if it were to happen again."

"Like I want this to happen again, this is torture."

"The only thing that is torture is Harry, the babies have nothing to do with it."

Louis sighed, "Yeah, you're right."

Niall chuckled, "I'm always right." He kissed Louis forehead before he told him he was going across the street to get some sandwiches, and Louis told him he wanted something with chicken and turkey that was really spicy.

While Niall was gone Zayn and Liam walked in, "You just missed Niall, he went to get lunch."

"We caught up with him, gave him some money to get us something too. When did your mum and Dan leave?"

"They left around nine, the girls had appointments. It's their week off or whatever, so Mum decided to have them get check ups. They should be coming back in the next two hours or so, just before I get discharged."

Liam and Zayn sat at opposite ends of the bed, "So, what did they say was wrong?" Zayn asked as he started rubbing Louis feet like he always would do.

"Well, other than me being severely dehydrated? I actually am pregnant."

"What? Seriously? This isn't a joke right?" Zayn asked loudly, really excited as well.

Louis nodded, "Three babies."

"Three?" Liam asked, his eyes immediately going down to Louis' stomach, poking at the little pudge since Louis lifted up his gown since he already was slightly showing.

Louis slapped his hand away, "Stop that."

"Sorry," He muttered quietly, "So, um how are you going to tell Harry?"

Louis shrugged, "I don't even know. Like he was the one who wanted the divorce, so he's still getting one whether he likes it or not."

"You sure about that?" Zayn asked curiously, wanting to know what he actually thought.

"I'm with Zayn, Lou. You know for a fact that once he gets the news that you're pregnant, he's going to go right back to you. Like puddy in your hands, he'd be wrapped around your finger just like that."

Louis groaned, "But, that's not going to happen! I'm not going to let him come back to me that easily. He has to earn my trust back, he can't just up and leave and then think he can swoop right back into my life. He's got another thing coming if he thinks that it's so easy."

"I still wanna punch him for breaking your heart, no one breaks your heart and gets away with it," Zayn stated quietly, clenching his fists in the sheets.

"I already punched him baby, I don't think he would be able to handle you." Liam rubbed his back soothingly, trying to calm him down.

"You should have done more than punched him, should've like threatened to chop off his dick or something," Louis voiced his opinion, making the others snickered trying not to laugh too loudly.

"There is so much more I wish I could have done, but at the end of the day, he's still a person and we can get in trouble," Zayn spoke truthfully, making Louis roll his eyes.

"But, what are friends for if they don't go jail for helping out another friend?"

"A friend who doesn't want a criminal record?" Zayn spoke as he raised his eyebrow at Louis.

"Where is Niall with my food, I'm starving. I haven't been able to eat anything since yesterday morning," Louis spoke, changing the conversation real quickly. A few minutes later Niall walked in with a bag of sandwiches, chips and drinks.

"The only thing on the menu that was spicy was this buffalo chicken with jalapenos, hot sauce, guacamole and some other hot stuff."

Louis made grabby hands, "Gimme."

"Not until you say please," Niall said as he gave Liam and Zayn their food.

"Niall, will you please give me your food before I scream from hunger."

Niall rolled his eyes and gave him his really spicy sandwich, and his jalapeno flavored potato chips, "Is this one of your weird cravings? You've never went this hard for spicy food."

Louis shrugged as he took a big bit and moaned at the taste, "Don't care, it's so good."

Zayn sniffed, "Dang, what the fuck is on that, I smell it over here."

Louis looked at his sandwich, "There's a lot of stuff here, want to try it?" He thrusted it to Zayn, who shrugged and took a bite.

"Holy fuck, that's spicy, how in the word is your mouth not on fire?"

"It is, but the babies love it, so..." Louis trailed off as he opened up his sandwich and placed some of the chips on it. He took a bite out of it and moaned, "So good."

The three others looked at each other before laughing. They all knew that the next couple of months will be one wild ride.

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