What is Love?

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So, I know some of y'all don't like the direction this story is going but I do...this story is making me happy. I've been such a dark place recently and this has brought me back to being my true self. I'm sorry if you all don't like it.

Anyways, enjoy!

Thanks again to my dear friend highlou  for helping me edit like always!!


The next couple of days consisted of constant tests and doctors coming in and out of his hospital room. He was happy that he didn't have to share a room with another patient, meaning he could have as many visitors he wanted. He was thankful he had Niall there to keep him company.

"Hey Lou, sweetie?" Niall moved the hair that fell over his eyes out of his face, the pregnant man's eyes fluttered open. They looked at each other for too long before they both blushed and looked away.

"Umm, yes?" Louis spoke, the awkward tension lingering in the room, casting a nervous glance in Niall's direction. Those blue eyes bore into him, their irises unreadable and he couldn't help but wonder if he had done something. Louis shifted, looking everywhere but Niall as he began fiddling with the corner of the pillowcase. Heat crept up his neck, grabbing at his ears and turning his pale complexion a faint pink.

"Oh right, can you move over a bit? Your knee has been pressing against my bladder and I need to pee," Niall asked, scratching the back of his neck, something he always did when he was a bit embarrassed. It also didn't help the fact that Niall had some morning wood and Louis had nudged it a bit when he moved, earning a low moan from him.

He felt the blood drain from his face and knew exactly where it was going. Niall became hot, his loose pajama pants feeling tighter around his slim hips. He could feel it growing, swelling with a dull ache that would quickly become too much to ignore.

Louis tensed beside him, not expecting Niall to react like that when he moved, he honestly thought the remote was between them. That was until he moved his hand down to investigate and well it wasn't what he thought.

His boxers were strained, pulled tight against his hips, there was no hiding what was there. Niall was afraid to move at this point. He was harder than before and now he wanted to just crawl into a hole and die.

Louis didn't understand what was wrong. Things like this had happened before. He had seen Niall when he was excited and on more than one occasion brushed it the way he just had, but this was different.

"Are you going to go deal with your bladder or are you going to pee on the bed?" Louis mumbled, he needed to say something. The awkward tension was killing him, "I prefer the latter cause I'm not into a golden shower."

And there Louis was with his jokes, but Niall just stuttered out a response as he albeit ran to the bathroom.

Yes, Louis did get a good look at the boner he was sporting.

When did Niall get so big? He thought to himself. He had never really noticed how hung Niall was until just a bit ago. Niall had also been shirtless and the v-line was very evident above the low riding pants he was wearing. Stop it Louis, stop he doesn't want you. He even said it before.

His mind brought him back to his breakdown the other day when Niall said those things to him.

"We may not love you the way you want, but we made the pact years ago, remember? Whenever one of us needs help we all are here. We never let anyone suffer alone. If one suffers, we all suffer."

Louis' eyebrows furrowed as he thought about that over and over again. We may not love you the way you want...WAIT—he said may? Does that mean he could possibly love him differently?

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