Hell is Empty, The Devil is Home

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I have at least 5 more chapters for the story! I hope you guys are enjoying everything I've done in the story!

trigger warning: some minor violence and alcoholism.

Also—one of my good friends highlou who has been helping me edit this story has a new Larry story called "I'm Fine, We're Fine" and a boyxboy story called "Adore You" you guys should go check them out! She's a really great writer and these stories are so good!!


Harry groaned when he heard his phone go off again. He felt a pair of arms around him and that's when he realized what he had done. He was quick to get up off the bed and there was a very confused man looking back at him.

Michael shot up from his deep sleep from the sudden movement from Harry, "What? What's wrong?"

"I shouldn't have ever stayed. Never should have slept with you." Harry rubbed his hands over his face and he was shifting from one foot to the other.

Michael sighed, "Should have figured that would have happened, you kept saying Louis in your sleep."

Harry frowned. "I'm sorry."

"It's all good, no worries. You're uh, welcome to shower if you'd like." He scratched the back of his neck, it was just a bit awkward.

Harry nodded and did just that.

About 10 minutes later a knock was heard on the bathroom door. "Umm, Harry? Your phone keeps going off. Your mom has called you multiple times and has texted you that something happened to that Louis fellow."

Harry almost slipped getting out of the tub and was quick to grab his phone.

"Sorry, didn't mean to look at them. Your phone kept beeping and it's all on the home screen."

"It's okay, thank you."

And that's when Harry knew he just managed to be the biggest fucking asshole in the whole world.

"I missed the birth of my babies," was all he said to Michael. He didn't move from his spot, all he did was slide down to the floor and put his head into his hands. "I'm a fucking idiot! I can't believe I did that! I told him I'd never leave him. I told him I'd never miss out on the birth." Harry felt numb, he didn't know how to react, he was just didn't know how he could have been so stupid.

Michael didn't know what to do for the sobbing man on the floor of his bedroom. "I really don't know how to help you, but you can't do anything sitting on the floor."

Harry just looked up at him, he finally got a good look at the man before him. He definitely looked a lot like Louis, he thought his drunken mind last night was playing tricks but it wasn't. The only difference we're those eyes that looked back at him, they were brown, and they showed sadness for what was happening right now.

"I've screwed up big, big time."

"How about I make some breakfast and we talk. Maybe speaking to someone that was never involved with anyone else can help you. Finish up whatever you need and I'll be in the kitchen." Michael smiled at Harry, patted his shoulder comfortingly, before he left him to collect his thoughts.

And that's how the rest of the morning went. Harry explained everything to Michael who just sat there and listened, he did however interrupt him every so often to have Harry explain something further, but for the most part he was quiet.

Once he was finished Michael let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Wow, that is a lot to take in," he muttered quietly, he took a sip of his now cold coffee before he said something that made Harry's head snap up.

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