Stay With Me

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HELLO! I'm so sorry for me disappearing but I won't go until I finish this story! So I honestly never expected this story to blow up even after all this time but anyways there is like maybe 4? chapters left for this story. I promise no more twists and turns - maybe some angst but what's a story without some angst?

Anyways, I hope you guys like what I have and I hope I don't disappoint!!! Also, I need name ideas for the babies so comment down below!!!

Also thanks to tommoLo for helping me edit this mess!


It had been a weird couple of weeks to say the least and Harry felt like he was constantly treading on thin ice around Louis. He was trying everything possible to get Louis to reconsider getting back with him, but every time it either ended up with them arguing or Louis crying. Maybe it was the hormones, maybe it was not but he hoped that whatever it was, would pass quickly.

The trip to the store had been for things they need but he had also volunteered to go so he could get some air and clear his cluttered head. It did not do much good and once or twice he nearly rammed his cart into someone else's. Harry just wanted to sleep with Louis, he hated sleeping in the guest room. He was not a guest; this was their home and he should not have to feel like a guest in the home he helped pay for. You did do this to yourself Harry reminded himself solemnly as he wandered around the grocery store, picking things up and tossing them aside again.

Most of their time was spent getting ready for the babies, readying the nursery and making sure Roxy did not get into any trouble. Louis was so in love with the puppy that she even slept with him every night with her nose resting over his growing bump. Harry still had not warmed up to her. In a way, he felt she had taken his place. Imagine being jealous of a dog! Ever so often Harry would look at her and a stinging feeling of annoyance hit him. Roxy was a dog, he was human.

Louis still had a few months to go until he would have to go to the hospital to give birth, but he was still huge. It had been scheduled but they were seldom right. The babies could come a week later or even a week early. That unnerved Harry. Would they have things ready in time? Would they remember to take everything they needed if Louis water broke? Would they be okay by then? Harry's mind ran a thousand miles every day, but he hoped that if nothing else did, the babies, their babies, would bring them back together.

Harry loved seeing him pregnant, he never said it out loud to him, but he was glowing more and more each day. More than once he had imagined him being pregnant with a single child, his belly swollen and his skin glowing- much like he was now- but three babies had Louis looking even better than anything his mind could have conjured up. His husband was beautiful beyond words.

Harry had just gotten back after he went to the store when he heard someone crying. The sniffling was barely audible over the crinkle of plastic nags swinging from his hand and wrist. He immediately set the stuff down and he went to find Louis, following the noises. "Lou?" Harry called out, hearing the crying getting closer the further he went down the hall. It sounded like it was coming from the bathroom and he steered that way.

"Harry, Harry!"

Harry stopped as Louis barreled into his chest, shoving a grunt up from the bottom of his lungs. "What is it, love?" He ran his fingers through Louis tousled brown hair. Through the thin fabric of his shirt he could feel a few damp places on his chest before Louis looked up to wipe his own tears away.

"I thought you left me again. I woke up and you weren't home, and I thought you left again."

Harry felt a sharp, white-hot blade pierce his heart at the word again. "Baby, I would never leave you again. I know that we are still figuring things out, but I would not do that to you. I made that mistake once and look what it almost cost me." Hell, he still was not sure if his actions had cost him their marriage or not. "Besides," Harry carried on with a soft chuckle, "I tried to wake you before I left but you were sound asleep."

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