Night Changes

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Here it is!


Niall refused to leave Louis alone since the events that happened about a week ago. He doesn't trust Harry especially since last he heard he's gotten worse.

Nate has been keeping contact with Niall and told him that the man is constantly drunk and coming home smelling like someone else's cologne. He doesn't say anything to him because the last time Harry threw something at his head. Harry was a very violent drunk.

"No Anne, I don't trust him around the babies. Nate has been telling Niall about everything that's been going on and I think it's time he gets help," Jay spoke quietly in the kitchen while the two women were helping out Louis.

Anne couldn't help but feel sorry that she's there for her grandchildren more than her own son. She had brought up the idea of letting Harry come over to spend time with his children. He's only seen them twice since they came out of Louis' womb.

"I know, he's definitely not the man I raised. I don't know what happened."

"Sometimes things happen and you can't control it. Harry thinks this is how to deal with his problems, but it's only making it worse."

And just as they were finishing up the stuff in the kitchen they heard banging on the door.

"COME ON LOUIS! LET ME IN, THOSE ARE MY KIDS! NOT THAT STUPID ASSHOLE NIALL'S!" Harry's drunken voice was heard through the front door. He speech was slurred and he kept hiccuping every other word.

Anne was furious and she marched right over the door, opening it only to be pushed away by her son. "HARRY EDWARD STYLES! How dare you?!"

Harry rolled his eyes, he swayed a little bit as he passed his mother. "Move out of my way mother. I've come to get my kids. They aren't safe with that asshole."

Niall laughed coming around the corner, he crossed his arms over his chest when he stood in front of Jay and Anne as a barrier.

Harry laughed looking at Niall's face, he was still sporting the two black eyes and his nose was still slightly swollen. "I've got quite the punch. Nice to see I left a mark."

"You shouldn't talk, have you seen your face?" Niall smirked, not only did Zayn give Harry two black eyes but he had to get surgery cause the way he broke his nose it needed more repair.

"Watch your mouth."

"Guys stop! Stop!" Louis came around the corner, he was furious with Harry. Niall moved out of the way and let Louis approach the man, but didn't move too far as he wasn't exactly sure what he would do if he left.

"Louis I have come for my children! Niall is not their father and he doesn't deserve to be near them!" As Louis approached the man before him reeked of alcohol, the smell filled his nose instantly, it was as if he was sweating off the alcohol.

"The fuck are you on about?! Of course he's not their father but he's sure as hell been treating them like his own! He's up half the night helping me feed them, let's me sleep while watching them and he is always there. You never were there even when I let you be there!"

"Bullshit! You never let me be there!"

"No Harry, you never wanted to be near Niall! Even when he let you live with him you wanted nothing to do with him." Louis was right, Harry was the one who distanced himself under his own accord, no one told him to do it except himself.

Niall sighed as he saw Harry bring in his things, he didn't want the man left on the streets, he just hoped he didn't regret letting him live with him.

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