Still the One

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TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of rape and body image issues (fat shaming, talking about weight issues), and alcoholism. Read at own risk.

Anyways, without further ado—enjoy!


Sleepless nights were all Harry knew ever since that night, he was so torn with everything that it kept replaying over and over again in his head. Harry still couldn't believe that Louis gave him the wedding band, he really had hoped that he would have kept it. He wanted to fix everything but Louis wanted nothing to do with him.

The cold metal of the wedding band sat in the palm of his hand, glistening from the light that showed from the random movie playing in the background, aching for someone to wear it. His own hand was bare, he never wore his wedding ring. Louis hated him for that.

His own wedding band laid against his chest, it was attached to a small chain that hung around his neck, leaving an empty feeling in his chest. That empty feeling that only just appeared, that was once filled with love for his husband.

Two rings that were supposed to represent love only created a bigger void in the man's life. A void that would never be filled.

"So is this what you're going to do everyday? Mope around the apartment and not leave?" Nate's voice was heard as the man walked through the front door, he had just got home from work and frowned when he saw Harry in the same spot that he left him six hours ago. "You can't keep doing stuff like this, you need to get up and get some fresh air. This isn't healthy at all for you and I know this is only going to get worse if I don't say something sooner."

Harry sighed, "Why should I even try? The love of my life doesn't want me anymore, my friends don't want to talk to me, my own mother basically disowned me and if it wasn't for you I'd be homeless." He was mindlessly playing with the two rings, Nate taking notice and just felt so bad for the man.

"Would you stop playing with those? No matter how hard you try he won't come crying back to you, what's done is done. I'm going to be very blunt with you cause I think it's about time."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Nothing can hurt me more than what happened the other day."

Nate took that as a sign to continue, so he did. "You need to fucking stop this whole fucking act! I've known you for many years and this isn't the Harry I know. The Harry I know would have fought for his man back, he wouldn't be moping around and making everyone feel sorry for him. If you loved Louis so much you would have never left him, you would have never asked for a divorce and you definitely would have never cheated with him."

Harry just sat there and let Nate yell at him, he didn't intervene, he just let him give it his all.

"You were such a lucky man that you had Louis and you were too blind in your own self that you didn't see you changed and he changed. Louis isn't and won't ever be the same person you fell for in highschool but you were so fixated on that part of your life that you failed to see how it affected your relationship."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I may not keep in contact with you but I do see Niall and Liam at work and they would fill me in all the time." Nate finally kicked off his boots, but he didn't sit down because he needed the bigger effect of standing while Harry was sitting down. "What about all the times you accused Louis of cheating on you with Zayn and Niall? What about when you said he gained weight and you made him change his diet? What about you being obsessed with getting pregnant that you basically almost raped him one night?!" Nate continued on, he didn't stand down when Harry tried to interrupt him.

"Rape? The fuck are you on about? I would never!" Harry's heart was beating out of his chest, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he didn't deserve this type of interrogation.

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