We've Got a Whole Lot of History

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So like....I'm sorry


Louis' world just crumbled as he walked through the threshold of the front door of his home. He didn't cry or anything, he didn't even say anything to anyone. He just sat motionless on the couch in the living room.

Zayn looked at the man sadly, he didn't want to say something or even do something. Liam gave him a knowing look and the three others got to work on cleaning and moving things that were Harry's into boxes. They removed photos of them together, the only ones they kept were group photos of everyone.

Louis didn't realize he was hyperventilating until he felt a pair of familiar arms wrapping them around him. He was placed onto the lap of someone until he recognized it as Liam. Which, was a bit surprising cause it was usually Zayn who did all of the comforting, but Louis didn't care he just needed someone.

"Lou, honey, breathe." Liam started to rub comforting circles on the distraught man in his lap, Zayn had stepped out to get some food for them and Niall was on the opposite side of the house.

Louis tried to breathe, but he was still struggling hard.

Liam's pitter patter of his heart thumped against Louis' ear as he rested his head on his chest. He tried so hard to follow his breathing but it was only making it worse. That's when Liam realized he was now dealing with one of Louis' very bad panic attacks. There were only two people that ever managed to calm him down, Zayn and Harry.

Harry was 100% out of the question to help and Zayn should be back any minute but Liam needed to act fast before he got himself sick or he'd stop breathing.

"NIALL!" Liam's voice screamed in panic when he felt Louis' breathing become sporadic. The brown haired man came running in, he immediately seeing the commotion.

"Louis, listen to Liam's heartbeat, you got this buddy. In and out, take the deep breaths and slowly let it out," Niall spoke calmly, Louis' eyes looked at him, and they showed nothing. They were still the bright blue that everyone fell for, but they were dull and filled with sadness.

"Can't," he breathed out, he then started to scratch at his arms, leaving them red and raw.

Niall took hold of his arms to stop him. "Louis don't do that you'll hurt yourself," Niall spoke calm, rubbing up and down his arms. He made Louis look at him and it was almost instantly that Louis stopped crying.

Looking into Niall's eyes he saw something, he saw something that he thought he'd never see, he saw love. But most importantly he saw hope and safety. Never once did Niall give him a reason that he wasn't going to be okay. Even when they were in highschool, there was always something about Niall that made him different than everyone else.

"Where's Niall?" Louis asked curiously, he always wanted to be near the boy, and when he wasn't anywhere to be found it felt like a part of him was missing.

Liam raised an eyebrow in confusion, Louis and Niall had been attached to the hip recently and it made Liam wonder if there was something going on between the two of them. "I think he went to the bathroom? Why what's up?"

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to ask him something but it's okay, it can wait," he chewed nervously on his thumb nail, still had not made eye contact with Liam.

"What is going on between the two of you? You are always together and you guys won't even share half of the jokes you are always laughing about."

Louis couldn't help but blush at the thought of Niall, he did have a tiny crush on him, but they were way too close to even be together. "Nothing is going on, we are just friends."

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