Chapter 4: Love At First...Fight

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Lizzie glared at Aaron. "Well aren't you going to do something?" she asked. Aaron opened his eyes wide and looked at Aphmau. "I-I DO LOVE YOU," he stammered. "APHMAU I REALLY DO!" Aphmau stopped crying at looked at Aaron. She punched him then kissed him. "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?" she asked. Aaron scratched his head. "I was admiring your beauty." he said. He looked over at Lizzie and Aphmau noticed. "Wait, are you talking to me? Or LIZZIE?!" she yelled. Lizzie backed away and started for her house. She waved at Aaron and shouted, "HEY, I'M TAKEN! I HAVE BEANS TO LOVE!" then she ran away. Aaron looked back at Aphmau, who was furious. "You expect me to believe you?" Aaron took a step back and said, "Yes, I really do. I was lost in your beauty."

Aphmau wiped a tear away. "I think I need to go home." She stepped out the door without looking back. Aaron chased after her and kissed her, but Aphmau pulled away. "I-I just need time by myself." Aaron kissed her again and held her. "And I need time with you, no one else." Aphmau started to smile and hugged him tight. Aaron couldn't breath. "A-APHMAU? I...NEED TO...BREATH..." Aphmau let go of him and kissed his cheek, while he was gasping for air. She held his hand and led him down the street. "Where are we going?" Aaron asked. Aphmau just smiled and kept walking further down the street. About 2 minutes later, they arrived at a large house with two dogs running around.

Aphmau and Aaron waited in front of a white picket fence, until a girl opened the door. "Cupquake!" Aphmau yelled. Aaron stood next to Aphmau, confused. "What are we doing here?" Aaron asked. He squinted at the door and a woman with purple hair came outside. "Aphmau! What are you-" Cupquake paused and saw Aaron. "Who's this?" she asked. Aaron was dreadfully shy and didn't want to take a risk of talking to other women, so he put on his hood. "This is Aaron, my new boyfriend." Aphmau said, kissing his cheek. Aaron started blushing and put his arm around Aphmau. Cupquake made a gangster accent and said, "Oo girl, you ballin' with that man meat!" Aaron's face was red. "T-thanks..." he said. 

Aphmau smiled. "Well I just wanted to drop b and say hi," she stated. She walked away, still holding Aaron's hand. When they arrived at Aphmau's house, they sat on the porch step. Aphmau then kissed Aaron for about 35 seconds until Aaron pushed Aphmau away. "What was that? Making me come to some girl's house?" Aphmau kissed Aaron again. "It was a small test." And she kissed him again. "And you passed. Am I the prettiest girl in the world?" Aaron held her hands and smiled. "The world, no. Maybe on 67 Mystreet, probably." Aphmau punched Aaron's arm, and Aaron spun her around on the front yard. Then it started to rain, and Aphmau and Aaron were soaking wet.

Aaron and Aphmau started laughing, then Aaron moved a strand of wet hair on Aphmau's face. Aphmau started to lean in towards Aaron, until they were only millimeters apart from each other's mouth. All of a sudden, they heard the sound of an opening window, and Kawaii~Chan popped her head out. "SQUEE!  APHMAU~SENPAI AND AARON~KUN ARE HAVING A ROMANTIC MOMENT! I HAVE TO TAKE A PICTURE!" Aphmau stomped her foot and crossed her arms, then faced Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan, what are you doing in my room? And it WAS a romantic moment until you came!" Aaron spun Aphmau around and dipped her. "Who says it still can't be?" he asked. He kissed her while picking her up and spun her. He let go of her arms and she ran up to her porch step.

Aaron was already walking out of the yard. Aphmau giggled. "Run!" she shouted. Aaron looked back at her and started sprinting. He was fast, probably faster than a cheetah. Aphmau giggled again then walked inside her house. She leaned against the door, still thinking about Aaron. Only seconds later, she saw Kawaii~Chan, gazing at Aphmau with sparkles in her eyes. Then she ran around and hugged Aphmau. "AHHHHH!" Kawaii~Chan screamed. "THIS IS THE SECOND BEST DAY OF KAWAII~CHAN'S LIFE!" Aphmau started laughing. "Why are you so happy?" Kawaii~Chan spun in circles while jumping. "REESE~SENPAI TOLD KAWAII~CHAN THAT SHE LOOKS BEAUTIFUL TODAY!" Aphmau started jumping up and down with her too. "Kawaii~Chan I'm so happy for you!" Aphmau said. After 2 hours of Kawaii~Chan talking about how amazing Reese is, she started for her room. When she shut the door to her room, she saw all of the puppies running around, except for one.

Aphmau approached the one puppy, who was lying on her bed. The puppy looked up at her, then jumped to her face and licked her cheek repetitively. Aphmau saw that the puppy had red eyes, and came up with a name for it. "I'm going to name you A.J.," Aphmau said, holding the puppy close. "Aaron Jr." She stroked the puppy, and she saw two other puppies chasing each other around, then they both jumped onto her bed. One puppy ran to Aphmau, and it had orange eyes. "And you K.C.," then the other puppy came for K.J. Aphmau picked the other puppy up, who had blue eyes. "And you K.J." She held all three of the puppies and set them back with Celestia. 

Aphmau turned off the light and lied in her bed. All of the puppies were asleep, except for A.J. The puppy hopped onto Aphmau's bed and lied next to her. His tail was in Aphmau's face, and it made her talk in her sleep. "Kawaii~Chan...that tickles..." A.J. licked her cheek. "Aaron...stop it...were at Olive Garden..." A.J. then barked. Aphmau jerked up and saw A.J. sitting on her bed. She started to nervously laugh. "A-A.J., you didn't hear anything, right?" A.J. crawled under the bed covers and stayed there. Aphmau went back to sleep until daybreak.

She awakened to K.C. jumping on her. "K.C.!" Aphmau yelled. Katelyn walked into Aphmau's room and looked at Aphmau. "Um, Aphmau, were you having a dream about Aaron?" she asked. Aphmau smiled nervously. "N-N-No..." Katelyn squinted at Aphmau. "Well can you explain when you said 'Aaron, you're so cute when you're in your pajamas.'?" Aphmau stared at Katelyn as she continued. "And why were you holding that dog specifically ALL NIGHT?" Aphmau looked down and saw that she was holding A.J. "This is A.J., and-" Katelyn interrupted. "Aaron Junior? Aphmau, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM." Aphmau shyly smiled. "I invited Aaron over today." Katelyn said.

Aphmau looked surprised. "But you don't like it when Aaron comes over." Katelyn folded her arms. "I think it's amazing  that his own girlfriend doesn't even know that today is his birthday." Aphmau jumped up off of her bed. "I TOTALLY FORGOT!" she yelled. "When is he coming over?" Katelyn looked at her watch. "Um, at twelve, so you have 4 hours."

Aarmau: Steps by ThatCutieKittenWhere stories live. Discover now